论  文


1. C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, Z.R. Liu, B.X. Liu, Z.Z. Wang, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*. Decoupled Measurement of Silicon-based Film and Substrate Thickness by Hybrid Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics and Laser Technology, 2025, 182: 112143.


1. Y.F. Huang, M.J. Li, Z.X. Hu, C.G. Hu, W.F. Shen*, Y.N. Li*, and L.D. Sun*. In Situ Studies on the Influence of Surface Symmetry on the Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer on Sapphire Using Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy and Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Nanomaterials, 2024, 14(17): 1457-1467.

2. Q.Q. Luo, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, J.W. Song, Y.N. Li, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen*. Sapphire substrate enabled ultraflat gold tape for reliable mechanical exfoliation of monolayer MoS2. Optical Materials, 2024, 157: 116341.

3. X.Q. Shui, Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, C.G. Hu*. Design of High-Speed Data Acquisition System for Fast Line-scan Spectrometry. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 2024, 27(8): 16-22.

4. Z.Z. Wang, S.C. Huo*, F.Y. Wu, Y. Qu, X.M. Chen, F. Yang, C.G. Hu*. Adjustable low NA quasi-confocal reflectometry for ultra-high-aspect-ratio micro-structuresOptics and Laser Technology, 2024, 176: 110980.

5. Y.L. Chen, C. Zhai, X.Q. Gao, H. Wang, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, C.G. Hu*. Optical manipulation of ratio-designable Janus microspheresPhotonics Research, 2024, 12(6): 1239-1249.

6. X.W. Zhou, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, Z.Y. Su, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Non-Spherical Janus Microparticles Localization Using Equivalent Geometric Center and Image ProcessingOptics Communications, 2024, 560: 130494.

7. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Measurement of rotated Janus particle's position and orientation in the optical trapNanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2024, 7: 043001.

8. J.C. Tang, S.H. Zhang, C.G. Hu*. 基于超表面和计算重建的新型光谱技术研究进展计测技术, 2024, 44(4): 47-70.(封面推荐特邀文章)


1. Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Optical method for depth measurement of high aspect ratio 3D microstructure. Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications X, 2023, Vol. 12769: 1276909.

2. H. Wang, X.P. Miao, C. Zhai, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, M.D. Guo, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, W.F. Shen, H.B, Li*, C.G. Hu*. Mechanistic Insights into the Folding Mechanism of Region V in Ice-Binding Protein Secreted by Marinomonas primoryensis Revealed by Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy. Langmuir, 2023, 39(45): 16128-16137.

3. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Daniel S. Sanchez, Y. Yu, H. Wang, L.D. Sun, X.R. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Excitons Enabled Topological Phase Singularity in a Single Atomic Layer. ACS Nano, 2023, 17(18): 17751-17760.

4. H.Q. Lu, W.F. Shen*, H.L. Wang, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, G. T. Ma, H.G. Liu, S. Wu, C.G. Hu*. Direct Observation of Crystalline Distortions in Mechanically Exfoliated Low-symmetric 2D Materials. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2023, 39(4): 666-672.

5. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H. Wang, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. An optical tweezer-based microdroplet imaging technology. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2023, 6(3): 033004. (入选AIP Scilight)

6. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, S. D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Ultrasensitive in-plane excitons-dominated pseudo-Brewster angle of transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 630: 157493.

7. M.D. Guo#, Z.Z. Lin#, C. Zhai*, Y.L. Chen, X.W. Zhou, Z.Y. Chai, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. Deep learning for precise axial localization of trapped microspheres in reflective optical systems. Optics Express, 2023, 31(8): 12397-12409.(Editor's Pick)

8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Evaluation of the surface and subsurface evolution of single-crystal yttrium aluminum garnet during polishing. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 608: 155219.

9. W.F. Shen#, Y. Yu#, G.T. Ma, Y.F. Huang, G.T. Ma, C.Y. Yao, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Origins and cavity-based regulation of optical anisotropy of α-MoO3 crystal. 2D Materials, 2023, 10(1): 015024.

10. 吴岳松,王子政,孙新磊,武飞宇,霍树春,胡春光*. 高深宽比微结构深度测量技术的研究进展. 计测技术, 2023, 43(1): 3-17.(封面文章)


1. Y. Yu, W.F. Shen*, G.T. Ma, Q.Q. Luo, Y.F. Huang, H.Q. Lu, H.L. Wang, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Anomalous narrow-band optical anisotropy of MoO2 crystal in the visible regime. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121(26): 251901.

2. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Soy D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, C.G. Hu*, L.D. Sun. Synthesis and ellipsometric characterizations of large-scale MoS2 sub-monolayer. Thin Solid Films, 2022, 762: 139562.

3. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, M.D. Guo, T. Guo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Addressing the imaging limitations of microsphere-assisted nanoscope. Optics Express, 2022, 30(22): 39417-39430.

4. X.Q. Gao, C. Zhai, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Simulation and Experiment of the Trapping Trajectory for Janus Particles in Linearly Polarized Optical Traps. Micromachines, 2022, 13(4): 608.

5. S. Li, H.Q. Liu*, C.G. Hu*, C.Z. He*, H.Z. Hu. Mechanical response of polyprotein revealed by single-molecule optical tweezers. Applied Physics Express, 2022, 15(7): 075002. (Spotlights 2022)

6. Y.C. Yuan, C.Y. Yao*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. A polarization measurement method based on liquid crystal variable retarder (LCVR) for atomic thin film thickness. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2022, 159-166.

7. W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*. Directly Evaluating Optical Anisotropy of Few-layered Black Phosphorus during Ambient Oxidization. Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 10(6): 2102018. 

8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Optical properties of large-size and damage-free polished Lu2O3 single crystal covering the ultraviolet-visible-and near-infrared (UV-VIS-NIR) spectral region. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 897: 162726.

9. 胡春光,李恩赐,翟聪,高晓晴*,陈雨露,郭梦迪. 大视场微球透镜超分辨显微成像技术的研究进展. 红外与激光工程, 2022, 51(6): 20210438.


1. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Surface and subsurface quality assessment of polished Lu2O3 single crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9: 795639.

2. C.Y. Yao, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Assessing the quality of polished brittle optical crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Precision Engineering, 2021, 72: 184-191.

3. Z.Z. Lin, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, C.G. Hu*. Learning-based Event Locating for Single-molecule Force Spectroscopy. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2021, 556: 59-64.

4. S.C. Huo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Measuring the Multilayer Silicon based Microstructure Using Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics Express, 2021, 29(3): 3114-3122.

5. C. Zhai, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, Y.H. Ma, Y.J. Zhang, T. Guo, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. The formation principle of micro-droplets induced by optical tweezers. Nanoscale Advances, 2021, 3: 279-286.


1. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Wang, X.H. He, M.J. Xu,J.T. Zhu, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*, C.G. Hu*. Angular Trapping of Spherical Janus Particles. Small Methods, 2020, 4(12): 2000565.(封面文章)

2. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, Y.T. Shen, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Imaging layer thickness of large-area graphene using reference-aided optical differential reflection technique. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(15): 4136-4139.

3. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Axial displacement calibration and tracking of optically trapped beads. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 134: 106285.

4. W.F. Shen, Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, C. B. Lopez-Posadas, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Substrate Induced Optical Anisotropy in Monolayer MoS2. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124(28): 15468-15473.(封面文章)

5. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, K.H. Yu, L.T. Sun, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Initial Stage of MBE Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 315710.

6. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Growth Oscillation of MoSe2 Monolayers Observed by Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2020, 32: 155001.

7. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, Y.H. Ma, X.D. Hu. Polyprotein: a new standard sample to home-built optical tweezers. Proc. of SPIE (2019 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Modern Optoelectronic Instruments, Beijing, China), 2020, 11434: 1143402.

8. 胡春光*,孙兆阳,方子璇,刘军,张昊,房丰洲. 基于准布儒斯特角法研究抛光过程中光学材料的表面质量. 光学精密工程, 2020, 28(2): 315-323.


1. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Simultaneous, hybrid single-molecule method by optical tweezers and fluorescence. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2019, 2(4): 145-157.

2. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, G.T. Ma, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Optical tweezers assisted controllable formation and precise manipulation of microdroplet. Appl. Phys. Express, 2019, 12(11): 117001.

3. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, S.C. Huo*,W.F. Shen, X.T. Hu. Rapid reflectance difference microscopy based on liquid crystal variable retarder. JVST B, 2019, 37(5): 050604.

4. C.Z. He, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, A. Xiao, C.G. Hu*, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*. Direct Observation of the Fast and Robust Folding of a Slipknotted Protein by Optical Tweezers. Nanoscale, 2019,11(9): 3945-3951.

5. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y.Sun, G.F. Fan, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Black Phosphorus Nano-Polarizer with High Extinction Ratio in Visible and Near-infrared Regime. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(2): 168.

6. S.X. Yang*#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, L. Huang, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.C. Wang, C.B. Jiang,C.G. Hu*. Highly Sensitive Polarization Photodetection Using Pseudo-one-dimensional Nb(1-x)TixS3Alloy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(3): 3342-3350.

7. J.Y. Qu#, B.W. Li*, Y.T. Shen*, S.C. Huo, Y. Xu, S.Y. Liu, B.K. Song, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, W. Feng*. Evaporable Glass-State Molecule-Assisted Transfer of Clean and Intact Graphene onto Arbitrary Substrates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(18): 16272-16279.

8. 曲正,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 无衍射二维光学晶格仿真方法研究. 光学学报, 2019, 39(5): 0503001.

9. 胡小唐,李帅,胡春光*,何程智,高晓晴,韩梦柯,马国腾,李宏斌,胡晓东. 蛋白质力谱测试中生物分子链耦联技术. 天津大学学报, 2019, 52(2): 113-121.


1. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, J. Tao, J. Liu, S.Q. Fan, Y.X. Wei, C.H. An, J.C. Chen, S. Wu, Y.N. Li, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Resolving the optical anisotropy of low-symmetry 2D materials. Nanoscale, 2018, 10(17), 8329-8337. (Editor's Choice: Optical Spectroscopy of 2D materials)

2. S.X. Yang#, C.G. Hu#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.Y. Sun, C.B. Jiang*, L. Huang*, Z.C. Wang*. In-Plane Optical Anisotropy and Linear Dichroism in Low-Symmetry Layered TlSe. ACS Nano, 2018, 12(8): 8798-8807.

3. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y. Sun, S.Q. Fan, J. Liu, X.T. Hu. Wavelength tunable polarizer based on layered black phosphorus on Si/SiO2 substrate. Optics Letters, 2018, 43(6): 1255-1258.

4. S.X. Yang#, Y.H. Yang, M.H. Wu#,C.G. Hu#, W.F. Shen, Y.J. Gong, L. Huang, C.B. Jiang*, Y.Z. Zhang*, P.M. Ajayan*. Highly In-plane Optical and Electrical Anisotropy of 2D Germanium Arsenide. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28(16): 1707379.

5. C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Reflectance difference microscopy for nanometre thickness microstructure measurements. Journal of Microscopy, 2018, 270(3): 318-325.

6. C.G. Hu*, C.G. Su, Z.L. Yun, S.R. Wang, C.Z. He, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Real-time identification of the singleness of a trapped bead in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(5): 1241-1246.

7. 凌秋雨,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 基于二维光学点阵形变的面形测量方法. 光学学报, 2018, 38(1): 0112003.


1. L. Zhang, C.G. Hu*, X. Fu, M.S. Jiang, Q. M. Sui, L. Jia. Pentacene crystal transition during the growth on SiO2 studied by in situ optical spectroscopy. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 231: 65-69.

2. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Using high numerical aperture objective lens in micro-reflectance difference spectrometer. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 421: 535-541.

3. Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, D. Roth, S. Wu, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Bauer, L.D. Sun*. Real-time monitoring of 2D semiconductor film growth with optical spectroscopy. Nanotechnology, 2017, 28: 465601.

4. Y.X. Li, Y.N. Li*, Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, S. Wu,C.G. Hu, X.T. Hu, R. Zimmerleiter, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of ultrathin PTCDI-C5films on muscovite mica. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 228: 105-110.

5. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于反射差分显微术的有机薄膜空间均一性研究. 红外与毫米波学报, 2017, 36(6): 756-760.

6. 胡春光,查日东,凌秋雨,何程智*,李奇峰,胡晓东,胡小唐. 超分辨显微技术在活细胞中的应用与发展. 红外与激光工程, 2017, 6(11): 1103002.

7. 胡春光*,王思蓉,高晓晴,苏晨光,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 液体环境对光镊稳定捕获的影响. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(6): 431-437.

8. 胡春光*,王国庆,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统双光束串扰因素研究. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(3): 168-174.


1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Normal-incidence reflectance difference spectroscopy based on a liquid crystal variable retarder. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(33): 9334-9340.

2. L. Zhang, X. Fu, C.G. Hu*, Y. Yao, Z.Y. Xu, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Zeppenfeld, L.D. Sun*. Optical and structural properties of the pentacene/quartz (0001) interface. Phys. Rev. B, 2016, 93: 075443.

3. 侯艳洁,胡春光*,张雷,陈雪娇,傅星,胡小唐. 纳米有机薄膜有效导电层的反射光谱法研究. 物理学报, 2016, 65(20):200201.

4. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于单偏振器的液晶相位延迟器光电特性研究. 红外与毫米波学报,2016, 35(1): 68-71+77.


1. C.G. Hu*, R. An, C.W. Zhang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Design of a high quality optical conjugate structure in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2015, 54(6): 1410-1413.

2. G.Q. Wang, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, C.G. Su, S.R. Wang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Calibration of a dual-trap optical tweezers for single molecule force spectroscopy study. Proc. of SPIE. (AOPC 2015: Advanced Display Technology; and Micro/Nano Optical Imaging Technologies and Applications, Beijing, China), 2015, 9672: 96720P.

3. 徐佳佳,胡春光*,陈雪娇,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 有机半导体薄膜生长原位实时测量方法的研究. 物理学报, 2015, 64(23): 230701.

4. 胡春光*,章承伟,安然,雷海,胡晓东,李宏斌,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统微球位移的纳米精度测量. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2015, 13(6): 448-453.

5. 姚姚,胡春光*,徐臻圆,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 基于差分反射光谱的真空环境有机薄膜生长在线监测方法. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2015, 35(5): 1320-1324.


1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Optimization for liquid crystal variable retarder-based spectroscopic polarization measurements. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(30): 7801-7806.

2. C.G. Hu*, P.F. Xie, S.C. Huo,Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. A liquid crystal variable retarder based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast, high precision spectroscopic measurements. Thin Solid Films, 2014, 571: 543-547.

3. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, J. M. Flores-Camacho, M. Hohage, C.Y. Liu, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld*. A rotating-compensator based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast spectroscopic measurements. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2010, 81(4): 043108.

4. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, P. Zeppenfeld, X.T. Hu. Impact of lamp instability on rotating compensator based ellipsometry. Proc. of SPIE, 2009, 7506: 750617(1-10).

5. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, Y.N. Li, M. Hohage, J. M. Flores-Camacho, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld. Retardation correction for photoelastic modulator-based multichannel reflectance difference spectroscopy. J. Opt. Soc. Am A., 2008, 25(6): 1240-1245.

6. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 栗大超,郭彤,胡小唐. 三维相位展开算法在精密运动测试中的应用. 光学学报, 2007, 27(1): 68-72.

7. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 徐临燕,郭彤,胡小唐. 复杂微结构三维形貌测量方法的研究. 光电子.激光, 2006, 17(1): 98-101.

8. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 金翠云,栗大超,郭彤,傅星,胡小唐. MEMS动态测试中频闪同步控制系统. 天津大学学报, 2005, 38(1): 47-51.


1. 2D AgTiPS6: a Cross‐Stacked In‐Plane Anisotropic Semiconductor for Broadband and Polarization‐Sensitive Photodetection, Advanced Materials, 2025.

2. Low-power consumption anisotropic CMOS inverters based on n-ReS2 and p-WSe2Nano Research, 2025.

3. Intrinsically anisotropic 1D NbTe4 for self-powered polarization-sensitive photodetection, NPG Asia Materials, 2024, 16(1): 61.

4. Sensitivity Improvements for Picosecond Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements in Gold and Tungsten Nanoscale Films, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2024, 7: 7.

5. 制造发展的三个范式:制造发展规律的研究, 中国科学基金, 2024, 38(1): 159-171.

6. Strong In-Plane Optoelectronic Anisotropy and Polarization Sensitivity in Low-Symmetry 2D Violet PhosphorusNano Letters, 2023, 23(23): 10821-10821.

7. Visible to mid-infrared giant in-plane optical anisotropy in ternary van der Waals crystalsNature Communications, 2023, 14: 6739.

8. Strong in-plane optical anisotropy in 2D van der Waals antiferromagnet VOClNano Research, 2023, 16: 7481-7488.

9. “原子及近原子尺度制造”的思考与探讨, 天津大学学报, 2023, 56(10): 1000-1002.

10. Strain and Interference Synergistically Modulated Optical and Electrical Properties in ReS2/Graphene Heterojunction BubblesACS Nano, 2022, 16(10): 16271-16280.

11. Colossal Room‐Temperature Terahertz Topological Response in Type‐II Weyl Semimetal NbIrTe4Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(42): 2204621.

12. Intrinsic Linear Dichroism of Organic Single Crystals toward High-Performance Polarization-Sensitive PhotodetectorsAdvanced Materials, 2022, 34(42): 2270165.

13. Polarization-sensitive and wide-spectrum photovoltaic detector based on quasi-1D ZrGeTe4 nanoribbonInfoMat, 2022, 4(3): e12258.

14. 高端精密装备精度测量基础理论与方法, 中国科学基金, 2022, 36(6): 955-962.

15. Penta-PdPSe: A New 2D Pentagonal Material with Highly In-Plane Optical, Electronic, and Optoelectronic AnisotropyAdvanced Materials, 2021, 33(35): 2102541.

16. 2D ternary vanadium phosphorous chalcogenide with strong in-plane optical anisotropyInorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 8: 2999-3006.

17. Birefringence and Dichroism in Quasi-1D Transition Metal Trichalcogenides: Direct Experimental InvestigationSmall, 2021, 17(21): 2100457.

18. Direct Polarimetric Image Sensor and Wide Spectral Response Based on Quasi‐1D Sb2S3 NanowireAdvanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(6): 2006601.

19. A self-powered 2D-material sensor unit driven by a SnSe piezoelectric nanogeneratorJ. Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9: 4716-4723.

20. In-Plane Optical and Electrical Anisotropy of 2D Black ArsenicACS Nano, 2021, 15(1): 1701–1709.

21. Highly In-Plane Anisotropic 2D PdSe2 for Polarized Photodetection with Orientation SelectivityAdvanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(3): 2006774.

22. Symmetry‐Reduction Enhanced Polarization‐Sensitive Photodetection in Core–Shell SbI3/Sb2O3 van der Waals HeterostructureSmall, 2020,16(7): 1907172.

23. Synthesis of low-symmetry 2D Ge(1-x)SnxSe2 alloy flakes with anisotropic optical response and birefringenceNanoscale, 2019, 11(48): 23116-23125.

24. Magnetism and Optical Anisotropy in van der Waals Antiferromagnetic Insulator CrOClACS Nano, 2019, 13(10): 11353-11362.

25. The Opposite Anisotropic Piezoresistive Effect of ReS2ACS Nano, 2019, 13(3): 3310-3319.

26. In-Plane Optical Anisotropy of Low-symmetry Two-dimensional GeSeAdvanced Optical Materials, 2019, 7(4): 1801311.

27. Solution-Based Property Tuning of Black PhosphorusACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(46): 39890-97.

28. Reversible Unfolding and Folding of the Metalloprotein Ferredoxin Revealed by Single-Molecule Atomic Force MicroscopyJACS, 2017, 139(4): 1538-1544.

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  • 胡春光,王子政,霍树春,武飞宇,沈万福,刘晶,高深宽比微结构深度一致性的光学测量与评估方法,发明专利,ZL 2021113187798;

  • 翟聪,胡春光,马彦华,郭梦迪,胡晓东,郭彤,可实时反馈轴向光阱位置的光镊超分辨成像方法和系统,发明专利,ZL 2021107907448; 

  • 胡春光,马国腾,沈万福,霍树春,一种分源定位真空管式炉装置,发明专利,ZL 2021105867145;

  • 沈万福,胡春光,马国腾,霍树春,一种斜入射式光谱型反射差分测量装置及方法,发明专利,ZL 2021106140439;

  • 沈万福,胡春光,马国腾,霍树春,一种自洽验证差分光谱仪及测量方法,发明专利,ZL 202110615292X;

  • 霍树春,胡春光,王浩,沈万福,姚程源,曲正,武飞宇,胡晓东,胡小唐,用于纳米厚度SiO2厚度的差分反射光谱测量方法,发明专利,ZL 2019113517057;

  • 胡春光,王浩,霍树春,姚程源,曲正,胡晓东,胡小唐,基于彩色相机的二维材料形貌快速表征系统和方法,发明专利,ZL 2019109702074;

  • 霍树春,胡春光,王浩,胡晓东,胡小唐,测量纳米薄膜厚度的显微式差分反射光谱测量系统及方法,发明专利,ZL 2018115531730;

  • 胡春光,曲正,胡晓东,胡小唐,一种无衍射二维光学晶格周期快速连续调节方法,发明专利,ZL 2019105283635;

  • 胡春光,曲正,胡晓东,胡小唐,基于变焦镜头的无衍射二维光学晶格周期调节系统,发明专利,ZL 2019105283546;

  • 马国腾,胡春光,韩梦柯,李帅,高晓晴,胡小唐,胡晓东,李宏斌,光镊系统微粒轴向纳米级位置测量方法,发明专利,ZL 2019102332061;

  • 胡春光,曲正,查日东,凌秋雨,胡晓东,胡小唐,基于二维光学点阵的漫反射型表面形貌测量方法,发明专利,ZL 2018111730595;

  • 高晓晴,胡春光,李帅,马国腾,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐,一种光镊系统的可控旋转操作装置及方法,发明专利,ZL 201811063323X;

  • 胡春光,李帅,高晓晴,韩梦柯,马国腾,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐,一种能够在高度汇聚的激光束作用下析出微球的混合溶液,发明专利,ZL 2018109744833;

  • 李帅,胡春光,高晓晴,韩梦柯,马国腾,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐,基于光镊的微球可控制备及操纵方法,发明专利,ZL 2018109733716;

  • 胡春光,韩梦柯,林祖增,胡晓东,李宏斌,胡小唐,基于显微图像和深度学习的微球单一性识别与定位的方法,发明专利,ZL 2018105479631;

  • 胡春光,孙兆阳,霍树春,沈万福,谢鹏飞,胡晓东,胡小唐,反射差分光学测量装置,实用新型专利,ZL 2018208170593;

  • 胡春光,孙兆阳,沈万福,霍树春,胡晓东,胡小唐,面内各向异性晶体晶轴定向方法及设备,发明专利,ZL 201810151148.3;

  • 胡春光,凌秋雨,查日东,李奇峰,胡晓东,李宏斌,胡小唐,基于二维光学点阵的反射型面形测量方法和装置,发明专利,ZL 201711401454X;

  • 苏晨光,胡春光,云泽霖,王思蓉,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐,一种光镊系统中的微球自动捕获方法,发明专利,ZL 2016108320844;

  • 胡小唐,雷海,胡晓东,常新宇,胡春光,李宏斌,液态环境下微粒三维位置纳米级分辨力测量方法,发明专利,ZL 2015100181162;

  • 曾雅楠,胡晓东,郭彤,胡春光,陈津平,胡小唐,基于离轴显微干涉术的微结构测试系统及方法,发明专利,ZL 2013106318899;

  • 胡春光,徐臻圆,张一帆,谢鹏飞,傅星,胡小唐,用于反射差分光谱测量的紧凑式全光谱光学测头装置,发明专利,ZL 2013100125731;

  • 胡春光,孙立东,胡小唐,李艳宁,比德·切彭菲尔德,光弹调制式反射差分光谱仪多通道并行测量系统,发明专利,ZL 2007100599037。


  • 刘家宝,沈万福,王海乐,胡春光,一种基于图像融合算法的旋转波片式斯托克斯成像仪的操作软件,2024SR0636440;

  • 胡春光,王海乐,沈万福,一种自动聚焦成像的差分反射光谱测量系统的操作软件,2022SR1416675;

  • 胡春光,王子政,刘亦辰,孙新磊,翟聪,吴岳松,薄介质膜厚度测量软件,2022SR0720692;

  • 胡春光,刘亦辰,王子政,晶圆片厚度测量仪控制软件,2022SR0075043;

  • 胡春光,李彬,胡小鹏,反射高能电子衍射装置图像分析系统控制软件,2021SR1414305;

  • 胡春光,王浩,霍树春,沈万福,胡小唐,显微式差分反射光谱测量系统的操控软件,2020SR0763241;

  • 霍树春,王浩,胡春光,沈万福,姚程源,曲正,武飞宇,胡晓东,胡小唐,微区域原位差分反射光谱测量系统的操控软件,2020SR1078141;

  • 霍树春,王浩,胡春光,沈万福,姚程源,曲正,武飞宇,胡晓东,胡小唐,旋涂工艺光谱监测系统控制软件,2020SR1050544;

  • 胡春光,孙兆阳,黄志勇,可变气门正时系统发动机运行状态实时监控系统的操控软件,2019SR0062065;

  • 胡春光,韩梦柯,马国腾,李帅,胡晓东,李宏斌,胡小唐,光镊单分子力谱自动化测试软件,2018SR513568;

  • 胡春光,韩梦柯,苏晨光,孙兆阳,分子束外延生长控制软件,2018SR311483。





















20.“Optical Anisotropy of Ultra-thin Organic Films”,奥地利国家科学基金,2009.01-2011.12,参与。


1. 反射光谱薄膜厚度测量技术研究进展,第二十届全国光学测试学术交流会,2024.9,余姚,邀请报告.

2. 非对称Janus微球光阱受力与操控研究,微纳材料与表界面表征创新论坛(2024),2024.8,兰州,邀请报告.

3. Dynamic growth mechanism of ultra-thin films using in-situ high-sensitive reflectance spectroscopy,第3届测量仪器国际会议暨第 13届精密工程测量与仪器国际会议,2024.8,青岛,邀请报告.

4. 多层薄膜厚度复合光谱解耦测量方法研究,第二届全国光电测量测试技术及产业发展大会,2024.5,大连,邀请报告.

5. 微纳米薄膜光谱测试技术开发与应用研究,2024上海慕尼黑光博会光学微纳检测技术论坛,2024.3,上海,邀请报告.

6. Reflectance difference microscopy for low-symmetrical two-dimensional materials,第三届国际计算成像会议(CITA2023),2023.12,北京,邀请报告.

7. 面向原子尺度制造的超薄膜测量方法研究进展,第二十届国际制造会议(MCC2023)原子及近原子尺度制造高端论坛,2023.11,重庆,特邀报告.

8. 面向微纳制造的光谱测试技术与自主仪器研发,中国仪器仪表学会“集成电路测量仪器分会”筹备会议暨第二届半导体芯片检测技术研讨会,2023.10,西安,邀请报告.

9. Optical tweezers assisted microsphere nanoscopy,The 2nd International Conference on Optical Imaging and Measurement (ICOIM2023),2023.10,西安,邀请报告.

10. Microsphere-assisted nanoscope in optical tweezers,International Forum on Microscopy 2023,2023.09,中山,邀请报告.

11. 基于干涉光谱的高深宽比微结构深度测量技术研究,第八届亚太光学制造会议,2023.08,深圳,邀请报告.

12. Microsphere-assisted nanoscope in optical tweezers,第九届亚太光学传感器大会(APOS),2023.06,天津,邀请报告.

13. 关键角椭偏术表征原子厚度表界面特性,2022年先进光学制造技术及应用国际会议,2022.07,长春,邀请报告(线上).

14. 基于准布鲁斯特角的抛光表面精密检测方法研究进展,第二十三届中国微米纳米技术学会年会, 2021.12, 哈尔滨, 邀请报告(线上).

15. 原子厚度薄膜精确表征方法的基础研究与进展,中国科协青年科学家沙龙-原子及近原子制造, 2021.12, 成都, 邀请报告.

16. Assessing the quality of polished brittle optical crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique, The 7th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing, 2021.11, 西安, 邀请报告(线上).

17. Optical tweezers induced microdroplet fabrication in organic-inorganic compound solution, The 2nd International Forum on Microscopy, 2021.11, 桂林, 邀请报告(线上).

18. 微纳制造中的泛膜系测量理论与方法, 第295期双清论坛-高端精密装备精度测量基础理论, 2021.9, 北京, 邀请报告.

19. 面向微纳制造的光谱测试技术与自主仪器研发, 机器视觉与智能光电检测技术及应用研讨会, 2021.5, 南京, 特邀报告.

20. 光镊可控旋转技术, 第二十二届中国微米纳米技术学会年会, 2020.9, 苏州, 特邀报告(线上).

21. 反射光谱精密测量技术及其在微纳制造中的应用, 第二十一届中国微米纳米技术学会年会, 2019.10, 武汉, 特邀报告.

22. 高灵敏反射光谱技术及其在纳米光电薄膜表征中的应用, 光电材料与器件前沿科技论坛暨2019Light青年科学家论坛, 2019.10, 南京, 邀请报告.

23. Polarization-Resolved Microscopy for Low-symmetry Two-dimensional Materials, The 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE-8), 2019.5, Barcelona, Spain, Oral Presentation.

24. 高灵敏光谱技术及其在有机半导体薄膜生长中的应用, 第一届全国有机场效应晶体管会议, 2018.12, 天津, 邀请报告.

25. Characterization of 2D Anisotropic Nanomaterials using Reflectance Difference Microscopy, 第十九届中国微米纳米技术学会年会, 2017.10, 大连, 特邀报告.

26. Layer and Crystalline Orientation Identification of Black Phosphorus using Optical Difference Approach, 第七届中国国际纳米科学技术会议(ChinaNANO 2017), 2017.8, 北京, 口头报告.

27. Characterization of 2D Nanomaterials using Reflectance Anisotropy Microscopy, The 2nd International Forum on Surface and Microscopy, 2017.8, 哈尔滨, 特邀报告.

28. High surface sensitive reflectance difference microscopy and its application for characterizing 2D layered materials, The 12th International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces (OSI-12), 2017.6, Trinity College of Dublin, Ireland, Oral Presentation.

29. 反射差分光谱在二维材料中的应用, 第二届全国偏振与椭偏测量研讨会(PE2016), 2016.11, 南宁, 邀请报告.

30. 表面高灵敏光谱在线快速测量技术, 第一届全国椭圆偏振光谱学研讨会, 2014.11, 武汉, 邀请报告.

31. A Continuously Technical Development on Reflectance Difference Spectroscopy, 2013 Workshop on Surface Sensitive Optical Spectroscopy, 2013.11, Tianjin, Oral Presentation.

32. Liquid Crystal Variable Retarder Based Broad Wavelength Range Reflectance Difference Spectrometer, The 6th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE-6), 2013.5, Kyoto, Japan, Poster.

33. Monitoring organic thin film growth by reflectance differencespectroscopy and differential reflectance spectroscopy, The 18th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-18), 2010.8, Beijing, Oral Presentation.

34. A fast, full multichannel reflectance difference spectrometer, 2010 DPG Spring Meeting (德国物理学会春季会议), 2010.3, Regensburg, Germany, Oral Presentation.

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