论 文
1. C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, Z.R. Liu, B.X. Liu, Z.Z. Wang, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*. Decoupled Measurement of Silicon-based Film and Substrate Thickness by Hybrid Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics and Laser Technology, 2025, 182: 112143.
1. Y.F. Huang, M.J. Li, Z.X. Hu, C.G. Hu, W.F. Shen*, Y.N. Li*, and L.D. Sun*. In Situ Studies on the Influence of Surface Symmetry on the Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer on Sapphire Using Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy and Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Nanomaterials, 2024, 14(17): 1457-1467.
2. Q.Q. Luo, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, J.W. Song, Y.N. Li, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen*. Sapphire substrate enabled ultraflat gold tape for reliable mechanical exfoliation of monolayer MoS2. Optical Materials, 2024, 157: 116341.
3. X.Q. Shui, Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, C.G. Hu*. Design of High-Speed Data Acquisition System for Fast Line-scan Spectrometry. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 2024, 27(8): 16-22.
4. Z.Z. Wang, S.C. Huo*, F.Y. Wu, Y. Qu, X.M. Chen, F. Yang, C.G. Hu*. Adjustable low NA quasi-confocal reflectometry for ultra-high-aspect-ratio micro-structures. Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 176: 110980.
5. Y.L. Chen, C. Zhai, X.Q. Gao, H. Wang, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, C.G. Hu*. Optical manipulation of ratio-designable Janus microspheres. Photonics Research, 2024, 12(6): 1239-1249.
6. X.W. Zhou, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, Z.Y. Su, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Non-Spherical Janus Microparticles Localization Using Equivalent Geometric Center and Image Processing. Optics Communications, 2024, 560: 130494.
7. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Measurement of rotated Janus particle's position and orientation in the optical trap. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2024, 7: 043001.
8. J.C. Tang, S.H. Zhang, C.G. Hu*. 基于超表面和计算重建的新型光谱技术研究进展. 计测技术, 2024, 44(4): 47-70.(封面推荐特邀文章)
1. Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Optical method for depth measurement of high aspect ratio 3D microstructure. Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications X, 2023, Vol. 12769: 1276909.
2. H. Wang, X.P. Miao, C. Zhai, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, M.D. Guo, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, W.F. Shen, H.B, Li*, C.G. Hu*. Mechanistic Insights into the Folding Mechanism of Region V in Ice-Binding Protein Secreted by Marinomonas primoryensis Revealed by Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy. Langmuir, 2023, 39(45): 16128-16137.
3. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Daniel S. Sanchez, Y. Yu, H. Wang, L.D. Sun, X.R. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Excitons Enabled Topological Phase Singularity in a Single Atomic Layer. ACS Nano, 2023, 17(18): 17751-17760.
4. H.Q. Lu, W.F. Shen*, H.L. Wang, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, G. T. Ma, H.G. Liu, S. Wu, C.G. Hu*. Direct Observation of Crystalline Distortions in Mechanically Exfoliated Low-symmetric 2D Materials. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2023, 39(4): 666-672.
5. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H. Wang, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. An optical tweezer-based microdroplet imaging technology. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2023, 6(3): 033004. (入选AIP Scilight)
6. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, S. D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Ultrasensitive in-plane excitons-dominated pseudo-Brewster angle of transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 630: 157493.
7. M.D. Guo#, Z.Z. Lin#, C. Zhai*, Y.L. Chen, X.W. Zhou, Z.Y. Chai, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. Deep learning for precise axial localization of trapped microspheres in reflective optical systems. Optics Express, 2023, 31(8): 12397-12409.(Editor's Pick)
8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Evaluation of the surface and subsurface evolution of single-crystal yttrium aluminum garnet during polishing. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 608: 155219.
9. W.F. Shen#, Y. Yu#, G.T. Ma, Y.F. Huang, G.T. Ma, C.Y. Yao, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Origins and cavity-based regulation of optical anisotropy of α-MoO3 crystal. 2D Materials, 2023, 10(1): 015024.
10. 吴岳松,王子政,孙新磊,武飞宇,霍树春,胡春光*. 高深宽比微结构深度测量技术的研究进展. 计测技术, 2023, 43(1): 3-17.(封面文章)
1. Y. Yu, W.F. Shen*, G.T. Ma, Q.Q. Luo, Y.F. Huang, H.Q. Lu, H.L. Wang, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Anomalous narrow-band optical anisotropy of MoO2 crystal in the visible regime. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121(26): 251901.
2. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Soy D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, C.G. Hu*, L.D. Sun. Synthesis and ellipsometric characterizations of large-scale MoS2 sub-monolayer. Thin Solid Films, 2022, 762: 139562.
3. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, M.D. Guo, T. Guo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Addressing the imaging limitations of microsphere-assisted nanoscope. Optics Express, 2022, 30(22): 39417-39430.
4. X.Q. Gao, C. Zhai, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Simulation and Experiment of the Trapping Trajectory for Janus Particles in Linearly Polarized Optical Traps. Micromachines, 2022, 13(4): 608.
5. S. Li, H.Q. Liu*, C.G. Hu*, C.Z. He*, H.Z. Hu. Mechanical response of polyprotein revealed by single-molecule optical tweezers. Applied Physics Express, 2022, 15(7): 075002. (Spotlights 2022)
6. Y.C. Yuan, C.Y. Yao*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. A polarization measurement method based on liquid crystal variable retarder (LCVR) for atomic thin film thickness. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2022, 159-166.
7. W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*. Directly Evaluating Optical Anisotropy of Few-layered Black Phosphorus during Ambient Oxidization. Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 10(6): 2102018.
8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Optical properties of large-size and damage-free polished Lu2O3 single crystal covering the ultraviolet-visible-and near-infrared (UV-VIS-NIR) spectral region. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 897: 162726.
9. 胡春光,李恩赐,翟聪,高晓晴*,陈雨露,郭梦迪. 大视场微球透镜超分辨显微成像技术的研究进展. 红外与激光工程, 2022, 51(6): 20210438.
1. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Surface and subsurface quality assessment of polished Lu2O3 single crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9: 795639.
2. C.Y. Yao, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Assessing the quality of polished brittle optical crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Precision Engineering, 2021, 72: 184-191.
3. Z.Z. Lin, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, C.G. Hu*. Learning-based Event Locating for Single-molecule Force Spectroscopy. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2021, 556: 59-64.
4. S.C. Huo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Measuring the Multilayer Silicon based Microstructure Using Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics Express, 2021, 29(3): 3114-3122.
5. C. Zhai, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, Y.H. Ma, Y.J. Zhang, T. Guo, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. The formation principle of micro-droplets induced by optical tweezers. Nanoscale Advances, 2021, 3: 279-286.
1. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Wang, X.H. He, M.J. Xu,J.T. Zhu, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*, C.G. Hu*. Angular Trapping of Spherical Janus Particles. Small Methods, 2020, 4(12): 2000565.(封面文章)
2. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, Y.T. Shen, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Imaging layer thickness of large-area graphene using reference-aided optical differential reflection technique. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(15): 4136-4139.
3. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Axial displacement calibration and tracking of optically trapped beads. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 134: 106285.
4. W.F. Shen, Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, C. B. Lopez-Posadas, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Substrate Induced Optical Anisotropy in Monolayer MoS2. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124(28): 15468-15473.(封面文章)
5. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, K.H. Yu, L.T. Sun, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Initial Stage of MBE Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 315710.
6. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Growth Oscillation of MoSe2 Monolayers Observed by Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2020, 32: 155001.
7. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, Y.H. Ma, X.D. Hu. Polyprotein: a new standard sample to home-built optical tweezers. Proc. of SPIE (2019 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Modern Optoelectronic Instruments, Beijing, China), 2020, 11434: 1143402.
8. 胡春光*,孙兆阳,方子璇,刘军,张昊,房丰洲. 基于准布儒斯特角法研究抛光过程中光学材料的表面质量. 光学精密工程, 2020, 28(2): 315-323.
1. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Simultaneous, hybrid single-molecule method by optical tweezers and fluorescence. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2019, 2(4): 145-157.
2. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, G.T. Ma, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Optical tweezers assisted controllable formation and precise manipulation of microdroplet. Appl. Phys. Express, 2019, 12(11): 117001.
3. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, S.C. Huo*,W.F. Shen, X.T. Hu. Rapid reflectance difference microscopy based on liquid crystal variable retarder. JVST B, 2019, 37(5): 050604.
4. C.Z. He, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, A. Xiao, C.G. Hu*, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*. Direct Observation of the Fast and Robust Folding of a Slipknotted Protein by Optical Tweezers. Nanoscale, 2019,11(9): 3945-3951.
5. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y.Sun, G.F. Fan, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Black Phosphorus Nano-Polarizer with High Extinction Ratio in Visible and Near-infrared Regime. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(2): 168.
6. S.X. Yang*#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, L. Huang, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.C. Wang, C.B. Jiang,C.G. Hu*. Highly Sensitive Polarization Photodetection Using Pseudo-one-dimensional Nb(1-x)TixS3Alloy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(3): 3342-3350.
7. J.Y. Qu#, B.W. Li*, Y.T. Shen*, S.C. Huo, Y. Xu, S.Y. Liu, B.K. Song, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, W. Feng*. Evaporable Glass-State Molecule-Assisted Transfer of Clean and Intact Graphene onto Arbitrary Substrates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(18): 16272-16279.
8. 曲正,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 无衍射二维光学晶格仿真方法研究. 光学学报, 2019, 39(5): 0503001.
9. 胡小唐,李帅,胡春光*,何程智,高晓晴,韩梦柯,马国腾,李宏斌,胡晓东. 蛋白质力谱测试中生物分子链耦联技术. 天津大学学报, 2019, 52(2): 113-121.
1. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, J. Tao, J. Liu, S.Q. Fan, Y.X. Wei, C.H. An, J.C. Chen, S. Wu, Y.N. Li, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Resolving the optical anisotropy of low-symmetry 2D materials. Nanoscale, 2018, 10(17), 8329-8337. (Editor's Choice: Optical Spectroscopy of 2D materials)
2. S.X. Yang#, C.G. Hu#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.Y. Sun, C.B. Jiang*, L. Huang*, Z.C. Wang*. In-Plane Optical Anisotropy and Linear Dichroism in Low-Symmetry Layered TlSe. ACS Nano, 2018, 12(8): 8798-8807.
3. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y. Sun, S.Q. Fan, J. Liu, X.T. Hu. Wavelength tunable polarizer based on layered black phosphorus on Si/SiO2 substrate. Optics Letters, 2018, 43(6): 1255-1258.
4. S.X. Yang#, Y.H. Yang, M.H. Wu#,C.G. Hu#, W.F. Shen, Y.J. Gong, L. Huang, C.B. Jiang*, Y.Z. Zhang*, P.M. Ajayan*. Highly In-plane Optical and Electrical Anisotropy of 2D Germanium Arsenide. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28(16): 1707379.
5. C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Reflectance difference microscopy for nanometre thickness microstructure measurements. Journal of Microscopy, 2018, 270(3): 318-325.
6. C.G. Hu*, C.G. Su, Z.L. Yun, S.R. Wang, C.Z. He, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Real-time identification of the singleness of a trapped bead in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(5): 1241-1246.
7. 凌秋雨,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 基于二维光学点阵形变的面形测量方法. 光学学报, 2018, 38(1): 0112003.
1. L. Zhang, C.G. Hu*, X. Fu, M.S. Jiang, Q. M. Sui, L. Jia. Pentacene crystal transition during the growth on SiO2 studied by in situ optical spectroscopy. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 231: 65-69.
2. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Using high numerical aperture objective lens in micro-reflectance difference spectrometer. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 421: 535-541.
3. Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, D. Roth, S. Wu, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Bauer, L.D. Sun*. Real-time monitoring of 2D semiconductor film growth with optical spectroscopy. Nanotechnology, 2017, 28: 465601.
4. Y.X. Li, Y.N. Li*, Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, S. Wu,C.G. Hu, X.T. Hu, R. Zimmerleiter, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of ultrathin PTCDI-C5films on muscovite mica. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 228: 105-110.
5. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于反射差分显微术的有机薄膜空间均一性研究. 红外与毫米波学报, 2017, 36(6): 756-760.
6. 胡春光,查日东,凌秋雨,何程智*,李奇峰,胡晓东,胡小唐. 超分辨显微技术在活细胞中的应用与发展. 红外与激光工程, 2017, 6(11): 1103002.
7. 胡春光*,王思蓉,高晓晴,苏晨光,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 液体环境对光镊稳定捕获的影响. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(6): 431-437.
8. 胡春光*,王国庆,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统双光束串扰因素研究. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(3): 168-174.
1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Normal-incidence reflectance difference spectroscopy based on a liquid crystal variable retarder. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(33): 9334-9340.
2. L. Zhang, X. Fu, C.G. Hu*, Y. Yao, Z.Y. Xu, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Zeppenfeld, L.D. Sun*. Optical and structural properties of the pentacene/quartz (0001) interface. Phys. Rev. B, 2016, 93: 075443.
3. 侯艳洁,胡春光*,张雷,陈雪娇,傅星,胡小唐. 纳米有机薄膜有效导电层的反射光谱法研究. 物理学报, 2016, 65(20):200201.
4. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于单偏振器的液晶相位延迟器光电特性研究. 红外与毫米波学报,2016, 35(1): 68-71+77.
1. C.G. Hu*, R. An, C.W. Zhang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Design of a high quality optical conjugate structure in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2015, 54(6): 1410-1413.
2. G.Q. Wang, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, C.G. Su, S.R. Wang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Calibration of a dual-trap optical tweezers for single molecule force spectroscopy study. Proc. of SPIE. (AOPC 2015: Advanced Display Technology; and Micro/Nano Optical Imaging Technologies and Applications, Beijing, China), 2015, 9672: 96720P.
3. 徐佳佳,胡春光*,陈雪娇,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 有机半导体薄膜生长原位实时测量方法的研究. 物理学报, 2015, 64(23): 230701.
4. 胡春光*,章承伟,安然,雷海,胡晓东,李宏斌,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统微球位移的纳米精度测量. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2015, 13(6): 448-453.
5. 姚姚,胡春光*,徐臻圆,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 基于差分反射光谱的真空环境有机薄膜生长在线监测方法. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2015, 35(5): 1320-1324.
1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Optimization for liquid crystal variable retarder-based spectroscopic polarization measurements. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(30): 7801-7806.
2. C.G. Hu*, P.F. Xie, S.C. Huo,Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. A liquid crystal variable retarder based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast, high precision spectroscopic measurements. Thin Solid Films, 2014, 571: 543-547.
3. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, J. M. Flores-Camacho, M. Hohage, C.Y. Liu, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld*. A rotating-compensator based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast spectroscopic measurements. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2010, 81(4): 043108.
4. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, P. Zeppenfeld, X.T. Hu. Impact of lamp instability on rotating compensator based ellipsometry. Proc. of SPIE, 2009, 7506: 750617(1-10).
5. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, Y.N. Li, M. Hohage, J. M. Flores-Camacho, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld. Retardation correction for photoelastic modulator-based multichannel reflectance difference spectroscopy. J. Opt. Soc. Am A., 2008, 25(6): 1240-1245.
6. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 栗大超,郭彤,胡小唐. 三维相位展开算法在精密运动测试中的应用. 光学学报, 2007, 27(1): 68-72.
7. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 徐临燕,郭彤,胡小唐. 复杂微结构三维形貌测量方法的研究. 光电子.激光, 2006, 17(1): 98-101.
8. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 金翠云,栗大超,郭彤,傅星,胡小唐. MEMS动态测试中频闪同步控制系统. 天津大学学报, 2005, 38(1): 47-51.
1. Low-power consumption anisotropic CMOS inverters based on n-ReS2 and p-WSe2, Nano Research, 2025.
2. Intrinsically anisotropic 1D NbTe4 for self-powered polarization-sensitive photodetection, NPG Asia Materials, 2024, 16(1): 61.
3. Sensitivity Improvements for Picosecond Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements in Gold and Tungsten Nanoscale Films, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2024, 7: 7.
4. 制造发展的三个范式:制造发展规律的研究, 中国科学基金, 2024, 38(1): 159-171.
5. Strong In-Plane Optoelectronic Anisotropy and Polarization Sensitivity in Low-Symmetry 2D Violet Phosphorus. Nano Letters, 2023, 23(23): 10821-10821.
6. Visible to mid-infrared giant in-plane optical anisotropy in ternary van der Waals crystals. Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 6739.
7. Strong in-plane optical anisotropy in 2D van der Waals antiferromagnet VOCl. Nano Research, 2023, 16: 7481-7488.
8. “原子及近原子尺度制造”的思考与探讨, 天津大学学报, 2023, 56(10): 1000-1002.
9. Strain and Interference Synergistically Modulated Optical and Electrical Properties in ReS2/Graphene Heterojunction Bubbles. ACS Nano, 2022, 16(10): 16271-16280.
10. Colossal Room‐Temperature Terahertz Topological Response in Type‐II Weyl Semimetal NbIrTe4. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(42): 2204621.
11. Intrinsic Linear Dichroism of Organic Single Crystals toward High-Performance Polarization-Sensitive Photodetectors. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(42): 2270165.
12. Polarization-sensitive and wide-spectrum photovoltaic detector based on quasi-1D ZrGeTe4 nanoribbon. InfoMat, 2022, 4(3): e12258.
13. 高端精密装备精度测量基础理论与方法, 中国科学基金, 2022, 36(6): 955-962.
14. Penta-PdPSe: A New 2D Pentagonal Material with Highly In-Plane Optical, Electronic, and Optoelectronic Anisotropy. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(35): 2102541.
15. 2D ternary vanadium phosphorous chalcogenide with strong in-plane optical anisotropy. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 8: 2999-3006.
16. Birefringence and Dichroism in Quasi-1D Transition Metal Trichalcogenides: Direct Experimental Investigation. Small, 2021, 17(21): 2100457.
17. Direct Polarimetric Image Sensor and Wide Spectral Response Based on Quasi‐1D Sb2S3 Nanowire. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(6): 2006601.
18. A self-powered 2D-material sensor unit driven by a SnSe piezoelectric nanogenerator. J. Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9: 4716-4723.
19. In-Plane Optical and Electrical Anisotropy of 2D Black Arsenic. ACS Nano, 2021, 15(1): 1701–1709.
20. Highly In-Plane Anisotropic 2D PdSe2 for Polarized Photodetection with Orientation Selectivity. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(3): 2006774.
21. Symmetry‐Reduction Enhanced Polarization‐Sensitive Photodetection in Core–Shell SbI3/Sb2O3 van der Waals Heterostructure. Small, 2020,16(7): 1907172.
22. Synthesis of low-symmetry 2D Ge(1-x)SnxSe2 alloy flakes with anisotropic optical response and birefringence. Nanoscale, 2019, 11(48): 23116-23125.
23. Magnetism and Optical Anisotropy in van der Waals Antiferromagnetic Insulator CrOCl. ACS Nano, 2019, 13(10): 11353-11362.
24. The Opposite Anisotropic Piezoresistive Effect of ReS2. ACS Nano, 2019, 13(3): 3310-3319.
25. In-Plane Optical Anisotropy of Low-symmetry Two-dimensional GeSe. Advanced Optical Materials, 2019, 7(4): 1801311.
26. Solution-Based Property Tuning of Black Phosphorus. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(46): 39890-97.
27. Reversible Unfolding and Folding of the Metalloprotein Ferredoxin Revealed by Single-Molecule Atomic Force Microscopy. JACS, 2017, 139(4): 1538-1544.
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论 文
1. C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, Z.R. Liu, B.X. Liu, Z.Z. Wang, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*. Decoupled Measurement of Silicon-based Film and Substrate Thickness by Hybrid Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics and Laser Technology, 2025, 182: 112143.
1. Y.F. Huang, M.J. Li, Z.X. Hu, C.G. Hu, W.F. Shen*, Y.N. Li*, and L.D. Sun*. In Situ Studies on the Influence of Surface Symmetry on the Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer on Sapphire Using Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy and Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Nanomaterials, 2024, 14(17): 1457-1467.
2. Q.Q. Luo, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, J.W. Song, Y.N. Li, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen*. Sapphire substrate enabled ultraflat gold tape for reliable mechanical exfoliation of monolayer MoS2. Optical Materials, 2024, 157: 116341.
3. X.Q. Shui, Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, C.G. Hu*. Design of High-Speed Data Acquisition System for Fast Line-scan Spectrometry. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 2024, 27(8): 16-22.
4. Z.Z. Wang, S.C. Huo*, F.Y. Wu, Y. Qu, X.M. Chen, F. Yang, C.G. Hu*. Adjustable low NA quasi-confocal reflectometry for ultra-high-aspect-ratio micro-structures. Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 176: 110980.
5. Y.L. Chen, C. Zhai, X.Q. Gao, H. Wang, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, C.G. Hu*. Optical manipulation of ratio-designable Janus microspheres. Photonics Research, 2024, 12(6): 1239-1249.
6. X.W. Zhou, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, Z.Y. Su, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Non-Spherical Janus Microparticles Localization Using Equivalent Geometric Center and Image Processing. Optics Communications, 2024, 560: 130494.
7. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Measurement of rotated Janus particle's position and orientation in the optical trap. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2024, 7: 043001.
8. J.C. Tang, S.H. Zhang, C.G. Hu*. 基于超表面和计算重建的新型光谱技术研究进展. 计测技术, 2024, 44(4): 47-70.(封面推荐特邀文章)
1. Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Optical method for depth measurement of high aspect ratio 3D microstructure. Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications X, 2023, Vol. 12769: 1276909.
2. H. Wang, X.P. Miao, C. Zhai, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, M.D. Guo, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, W.F. Shen, H.B, Li*, C.G. Hu*. Mechanistic Insights into the Folding Mechanism of Region V in Ice-Binding Protein Secreted by Marinomonas primoryensis Revealed by Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy. Langmuir, 2023, 39(45): 16128-16137.
3. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Daniel S. Sanchez, Y. Yu, H. Wang, L.D. Sun, X.R. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Excitons Enabled Topological Phase Singularity in a Single Atomic Layer. ACS Nano, 2023, 17(18): 17751-17760.
4. H.Q. Lu, W.F. Shen*, H.L. Wang, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, G. T. Ma, H.G. Liu, S. Wu, C.G. Hu*. Direct Observation of Crystalline Distortions in Mechanically Exfoliated Low-symmetric 2D Materials. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2023, 39(4): 666-672.
5. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H. Wang, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. An optical tweezer-based microdroplet imaging technology. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2023, 6(3): 033004. (入选AIP Scilight)
6. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, S. D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Ultrasensitive in-plane excitons-dominated pseudo-Brewster angle of transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 630: 157493.
7. M.D. Guo#, Z.Z. Lin#, C. Zhai*, Y.L. Chen, X.W. Zhou, Z.Y. Chai, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. Deep learning for precise axial localization of trapped microspheres in reflective optical systems. Optics Express, 2023, 31(8): 12397-12409.(Editor's Pick)
8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Evaluation of the surface and subsurface evolution of single-crystal yttrium aluminum garnet during polishing. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 608: 155219.
9. W.F. Shen#, Y. Yu#, G.T. Ma, Y.F. Huang, G.T. Ma, C.Y. Yao, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Origins and cavity-based regulation of optical anisotropy of α-MoO3 crystal. 2D Materials, 2023, 10(1): 015024.
10. 吴岳松,王子政,孙新磊,武飞宇,霍树春,胡春光*. 高深宽比微结构深度测量技术的研究进展. 计测技术, 2023, 43(1): 3-17.(封面文章)
1. Y. Yu, W.F. Shen*, G.T. Ma, Q.Q. Luo, Y.F. Huang, H.Q. Lu, H.L. Wang, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Anomalous narrow-band optical anisotropy of MoO2 crystal in the visible regime. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121(26): 251901.
2. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Soy D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, C.G. Hu*, L.D. Sun. Synthesis and ellipsometric characterizations of large-scale MoS2 sub-monolayer. Thin Solid Films, 2022, 762: 139562.
3. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, M.D. Guo, T. Guo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Addressing the imaging limitations of microsphere-assisted nanoscope. Optics Express, 2022, 30(22): 39417-39430.
4. X.Q. Gao, C. Zhai, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Simulation and Experiment of the Trapping Trajectory for Janus Particles in Linearly Polarized Optical Traps. Micromachines, 2022, 13(4): 608.
5. S. Li, H.Q. Liu*, C.G. Hu*, C.Z. He*, H.Z. Hu. Mechanical response of polyprotein revealed by single-molecule optical tweezers. Applied Physics Express, 2022, 15(7): 075002. (Spotlights 2022)
6. Y.C. Yuan, C.Y. Yao*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. A polarization measurement method based on liquid crystal variable retarder (LCVR) for atomic thin film thickness. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2022, 159-166.
7. W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*. Directly Evaluating Optical Anisotropy of Few-layered Black Phosphorus during Ambient Oxidization. Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 10(6): 2102018.
8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Optical properties of large-size and damage-free polished Lu2O3 single crystal covering the ultraviolet-visible-and near-infrared (UV-VIS-NIR) spectral region. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 897: 162726.
9. 胡春光,李恩赐,翟聪,高晓晴*,陈雨露,郭梦迪. 大视场微球透镜超分辨显微成像技术的研究进展. 红外与激光工程, 2022, 51(6): 20210438.
1. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Surface and subsurface quality assessment of polished Lu2O3 single crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9: 795639.
2. C.Y. Yao, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Assessing the quality of polished brittle optical crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Precision Engineering, 2021, 72: 184-191.
3. Z.Z. Lin, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, C.G. Hu*. Learning-based Event Locating for Single-molecule Force Spectroscopy. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2021, 556: 59-64.
4. S.C. Huo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Measuring the Multilayer Silicon based Microstructure Using Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics Express, 2021, 29(3): 3114-3122.
5. C. Zhai, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, Y.H. Ma, Y.J. Zhang, T. Guo, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. The formation principle of micro-droplets induced by optical tweezers. Nanoscale Advances, 2021, 3: 279-286.
1. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Wang, X.H. He, M.J. Xu,J.T. Zhu, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*, C.G. Hu*. Angular Trapping of Spherical Janus Particles. Small Methods, 2020, 4(12): 2000565.(封面文章)
2. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, Y.T. Shen, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Imaging layer thickness of large-area graphene using reference-aided optical differential reflection technique. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(15): 4136-4139.
3. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Axial displacement calibration and tracking of optically trapped beads. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 134: 106285.
4. W.F. Shen, Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, C. B. Lopez-Posadas, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Substrate Induced Optical Anisotropy in Monolayer MoS2. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124(28): 15468-15473.(封面文章)
5. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, K.H. Yu, L.T. Sun, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Initial Stage of MBE Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 315710.
6. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Growth Oscillation of MoSe2 Monolayers Observed by Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2020, 32: 155001.
7. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, Y.H. Ma, X.D. Hu. Polyprotein: a new standard sample to home-built optical tweezers. Proc. of SPIE (2019 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Modern Optoelectronic Instruments, Beijing, China), 2020, 11434: 1143402.
8. 胡春光*,孙兆阳,方子璇,刘军,张昊,房丰洲. 基于准布儒斯特角法研究抛光过程中光学材料的表面质量. 光学精密工程, 2020, 28(2): 315-323.
1. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Simultaneous, hybrid single-molecule method by optical tweezers and fluorescence. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2019, 2(4): 145-157.
2. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, G.T. Ma, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Optical tweezers assisted controllable formation and precise manipulation of microdroplet. Appl. Phys. Express, 2019, 12(11): 117001.
3. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, S.C. Huo*,W.F. Shen, X.T. Hu. Rapid reflectance difference microscopy based on liquid crystal variable retarder. JVST B, 2019, 37(5): 050604.
4. C.Z. He, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, A. Xiao, C.G. Hu*, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*. Direct Observation of the Fast and Robust Folding of a Slipknotted Protein by Optical Tweezers. Nanoscale, 2019,11(9): 3945-3951.
5. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y.Sun, G.F. Fan, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Black Phosphorus Nano-Polarizer with High Extinction Ratio in Visible and Near-infrared Regime. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(2): 168.
6. S.X. Yang*#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, L. Huang, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.C. Wang, C.B. Jiang,C.G. Hu*. Highly Sensitive Polarization Photodetection Using Pseudo-one-dimensional Nb(1-x)TixS3Alloy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(3): 3342-3350.
7. J.Y. Qu#, B.W. Li*, Y.T. Shen*, S.C. Huo, Y. Xu, S.Y. Liu, B.K. Song, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, W. Feng*. Evaporable Glass-State Molecule-Assisted Transfer of Clean and Intact Graphene onto Arbitrary Substrates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(18): 16272-16279.
8. 曲正,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 无衍射二维光学晶格仿真方法研究. 光学学报, 2019, 39(5): 0503001.
9. 胡小唐,李帅,胡春光*,何程智,高晓晴,韩梦柯,马国腾,李宏斌,胡晓东. 蛋白质力谱测试中生物分子链耦联技术. 天津大学学报, 2019, 52(2): 113-121.
1. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, J. Tao, J. Liu, S.Q. Fan, Y.X. Wei, C.H. An, J.C. Chen, S. Wu, Y.N. Li, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Resolving the optical anisotropy of low-symmetry 2D materials. Nanoscale, 2018, 10(17), 8329-8337. (Editor's Choice: Optical Spectroscopy of 2D materials)
2. S.X. Yang#, C.G. Hu#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.Y. Sun, C.B. Jiang*, L. Huang*, Z.C. Wang*. In-Plane Optical Anisotropy and Linear Dichroism in Low-Symmetry Layered TlSe. ACS Nano, 2018, 12(8): 8798-8807.
3. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y. Sun, S.Q. Fan, J. Liu, X.T. Hu. Wavelength tunable polarizer based on layered black phosphorus on Si/SiO2 substrate. Optics Letters, 2018, 43(6): 1255-1258.
4. S.X. Yang#, Y.H. Yang, M.H. Wu#,C.G. Hu#, W.F. Shen, Y.J. Gong, L. Huang, C.B. Jiang*, Y.Z. Zhang*, P.M. Ajayan*. Highly In-plane Optical and Electrical Anisotropy of 2D Germanium Arsenide. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28(16): 1707379.
5. C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Reflectance difference microscopy for nanometre thickness microstructure measurements. Journal of Microscopy, 2018, 270(3): 318-325.
6. C.G. Hu*, C.G. Su, Z.L. Yun, S.R. Wang, C.Z. He, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Real-time identification of the singleness of a trapped bead in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(5): 1241-1246.
7. 凌秋雨,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 基于二维光学点阵形变的面形测量方法. 光学学报, 2018, 38(1): 0112003.
1. L. Zhang, C.G. Hu*, X. Fu, M.S. Jiang, Q. M. Sui, L. Jia. Pentacene crystal transition during the growth on SiO2 studied by in situ optical spectroscopy. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 231: 65-69.
2. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Using high numerical aperture objective lens in micro-reflectance difference spectrometer. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 421: 535-541.
3. Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, D. Roth, S. Wu, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Bauer, L.D. Sun*. Real-time monitoring of 2D semiconductor film growth with optical spectroscopy. Nanotechnology, 2017, 28: 465601.
4. Y.X. Li, Y.N. Li*, Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, S. Wu,C.G. Hu, X.T. Hu, R. Zimmerleiter, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of ultrathin PTCDI-C5films on muscovite mica. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 228: 105-110.
5. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于反射差分显微术的有机薄膜空间均一性研究. 红外与毫米波学报, 2017, 36(6): 756-760.
6. 胡春光,查日东,凌秋雨,何程智*,李奇峰,胡晓东,胡小唐. 超分辨显微技术在活细胞中的应用与发展. 红外与激光工程, 2017, 6(11): 1103002.
7. 胡春光*,王思蓉,高晓晴,苏晨光,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 液体环境对光镊稳定捕获的影响. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(6): 431-437.
8. 胡春光*,王国庆,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统双光束串扰因素研究. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(3): 168-174.
1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Normal-incidence reflectance difference spectroscopy based on a liquid crystal variable retarder. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(33): 9334-9340.
2. L. Zhang, X. Fu, C.G. Hu*, Y. Yao, Z.Y. Xu, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Zeppenfeld, L.D. Sun*. Optical and structural properties of the pentacene/quartz (0001) interface. Phys. Rev. B, 2016, 93: 075443.
3. 侯艳洁,胡春光*,张雷,陈雪娇,傅星,胡小唐. 纳米有机薄膜有效导电层的反射光谱法研究. 物理学报, 2016, 65(20):200201.
4. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于单偏振器的液晶相位延迟器光电特性研究. 红外与毫米波学报,2016, 35(1): 68-71+77.
1. C.G. Hu*, R. An, C.W. Zhang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Design of a high quality optical conjugate structure in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2015, 54(6): 1410-1413.
2. G.Q. Wang, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, C.G. Su, S.R. Wang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Calibration of a dual-trap optical tweezers for single molecule force spectroscopy study. Proc. of SPIE. (AOPC 2015: Advanced Display Technology; and Micro/Nano Optical Imaging Technologies and Applications, Beijing, China), 2015, 9672: 96720P.
3. 徐佳佳,胡春光*,陈雪娇,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 有机半导体薄膜生长原位实时测量方法的研究. 物理学报, 2015, 64(23): 230701.
4. 胡春光*,章承伟,安然,雷海,胡晓东,李宏斌,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统微球位移的纳米精度测量. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2015, 13(6): 448-453.
5. 姚姚,胡春光*,徐臻圆,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 基于差分反射光谱的真空环境有机薄膜生长在线监测方法. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2015, 35(5): 1320-1324.
1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Optimization for liquid crystal variable retarder-based spectroscopic polarization measurements. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(30): 7801-7806.
2. C.G. Hu*, P.F. Xie, S.C. Huo,Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. A liquid crystal variable retarder based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast, high precision spectroscopic measurements. Thin Solid Films, 2014, 571: 543-547.
3. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, J. M. Flores-Camacho, M. Hohage, C.Y. Liu, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld*. A rotating-compensator based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast spectroscopic measurements. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2010, 81(4): 043108.
4. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, P. Zeppenfeld, X.T. Hu. Impact of lamp instability on rotating compensator based ellipsometry. Proc. of SPIE, 2009, 7506: 750617(1-10).
5. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, Y.N. Li, M. Hohage, J. M. Flores-Camacho, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld. Retardation correction for photoelastic modulator-based multichannel reflectance difference spectroscopy. J. Opt. Soc. Am A., 2008, 25(6): 1240-1245.
6. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 栗大超,郭彤,胡小唐. 三维相位展开算法在精密运动测试中的应用. 光学学报, 2007, 27(1): 68-72.
7. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 徐临燕,郭彤,胡小唐. 复杂微结构三维形貌测量方法的研究. 光电子.激光, 2006, 17(1): 98-101.
8. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 金翠云,栗大超,郭彤,傅星,胡小唐. MEMS动态测试中频闪同步控制系统. 天津大学学报, 2005, 38(1): 47-51.
1. Low-power consumption anisotropic CMOS inverters based on n-ReS2 and p-WSe2, Nano Research, 2025.
2. Intrinsically anisotropic 1D NbTe4 for self-powered polarization-sensitive photodetection, NPG Asia Materials, 2024, 16(1): 61.
3. Sensitivity Improvements for Picosecond Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements in Gold and Tungsten Nanoscale Films, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2024, 7: 7.
4. 制造发展的三个范式:制造发展规律的研究, 中国科学基金, 2024, 38(1): 159-171.
5. Strong In-Plane Optoelectronic Anisotropy and Polarization Sensitivity in Low-Symmetry 2D Violet Phosphorus. Nano Letters, 2023, 23(23): 10821-10821.
6. Visible to mid-infrared giant in-plane optical anisotropy in ternary van der Waals crystals. Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 6739.
7. Strong in-plane optical anisotropy in 2D van der Waals antiferromagnet VOCl. Nano Research, 2023, 16: 7481-7488.
8. “原子及近原子尺度制造”的思考与探讨, 天津大学学报, 2023, 56(10): 1000-1002.
9. Strain and Interference Synergistically Modulated Optical and Electrical Properties in ReS2/Graphene Heterojunction Bubbles. ACS Nano, 2022, 16(10): 16271-16280.
10. Colossal Room‐Temperature Terahertz Topological Response in Type‐II Weyl Semimetal NbIrTe4. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(42): 2204621.
11. Intrinsic Linear Dichroism of Organic Single Crystals toward High-Performance Polarization-Sensitive Photodetectors. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(42): 2270165.
12. Polarization-sensitive and wide-spectrum photovoltaic detector based on quasi-1D ZrGeTe4 nanoribbon. InfoMat, 2022, 4(3): e12258.
13. 高端精密装备精度测量基础理论与方法, 中国科学基金, 2022, 36(6): 955-962.
14. Penta-PdPSe: A New 2D Pentagonal Material with Highly In-Plane Optical, Electronic, and Optoelectronic Anisotropy. Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(35): 2102541.
15. 2D ternary vanadium phosphorous chalcogenide with strong in-plane optical anisotropy. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 8: 2999-3006.
16. Birefringence and Dichroism in Quasi-1D Transition Metal Trichalcogenides: Direct Experimental Investigation. Small, 2021, 17(21): 2100457.
17. Direct Polarimetric Image Sensor and Wide Spectral Response Based on Quasi‐1D Sb2S3 Nanowire. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(6): 2006601.
18. A self-powered 2D-material sensor unit driven by a SnSe piezoelectric nanogenerator. J. Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9: 4716-4723.
19. In-Plane Optical and Electrical Anisotropy of 2D Black Arsenic. ACS Nano, 2021, 15(1): 1701–1709.
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论 文
1. C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, Z.R. Liu, B.X. Liu, Z.Z. Wang, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*. Decoupled Measurement of Silicon-based Film and Substrate Thickness by Hybrid Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics and Laser Technology, 2025, 182: 112143.
1. Y.F. Huang, M.J. Li, Z.X. Hu, C.G. Hu, W.F. Shen*, Y.N. Li*, and L.D. Sun*. In Situ Studies on the Influence of Surface Symmetry on the Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer on Sapphire Using Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy and Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Nanomaterials, 2024, 14(17): 1457-1467.
2. Q.Q. Luo, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, J.W. Song, Y.N. Li, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen*. Sapphire substrate enabled ultraflat gold tape for reliable mechanical exfoliation of monolayer MoS2. Optical Materials, 2024, 157: 116341.
3. X.Q. Shui, Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, C.G. Hu*. Design of High-Speed Data Acquisition System for Fast Line-scan Spectrometry. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 2024, 27(8): 16-22.
4. Z.Z. Wang, S.C. Huo*, F.Y. Wu, Y. Qu, X.M. Chen, F. Yang, C.G. Hu*. Adjustable low NA quasi-confocal reflectometry for ultra-high-aspect-ratio micro-structures. Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 176: 110980.
5. Y.L. Chen, C. Zhai, X.Q. Gao, H. Wang, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, C.G. Hu*. Optical manipulation of ratio-designable Janus microspheres. Photonics Research, 2024, 12(6): 1239-1249.
6. X.W. Zhou, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, Z.Y. Su, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Non-Spherical Janus Microparticles Localization Using Equivalent Geometric Center and Image Processing. Optics Communications, 2024, 560: 130494.
7. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Measurement of rotated Janus particle's position and orientation in the optical trap. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2024, 7: 043001.
8. J.C. Tang, S.H. Zhang, C.G. Hu*. 基于超表面和计算重建的新型光谱技术研究进展. 计测技术, 2024, 44(4): 47-70.(封面推荐特邀文章)
1. Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Optical method for depth measurement of high aspect ratio 3D microstructure. Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications X, 2023, Vol. 12769: 1276909.
2. H. Wang, X.P. Miao, C. Zhai, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, M.D. Guo, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, W.F. Shen, H.B, Li*, C.G. Hu*. Mechanistic Insights into the Folding Mechanism of Region V in Ice-Binding Protein Secreted by Marinomonas primoryensis Revealed by Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy. Langmuir, 2023, 39(45): 16128-16137.
3. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Daniel S. Sanchez, Y. Yu, H. Wang, L.D. Sun, X.R. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Excitons Enabled Topological Phase Singularity in a Single Atomic Layer. ACS Nano, 2023, 17(18): 17751-17760.
4. H.Q. Lu, W.F. Shen*, H.L. Wang, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, G. T. Ma, H.G. Liu, S. Wu, C.G. Hu*. Direct Observation of Crystalline Distortions in Mechanically Exfoliated Low-symmetric 2D Materials. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2023, 39(4): 666-672.
5. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H. Wang, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. An optical tweezer-based microdroplet imaging technology. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2023, 6(3): 033004. (入选AIP Scilight)
6. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, S. D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Ultrasensitive in-plane excitons-dominated pseudo-Brewster angle of transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 630: 157493.
7. M.D. Guo#, Z.Z. Lin#, C. Zhai*, Y.L. Chen, X.W. Zhou, Z.Y. Chai, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. Deep learning for precise axial localization of trapped microspheres in reflective optical systems. Optics Express, 2023, 31(8): 12397-12409.(Editor's Pick)
8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Evaluation of the surface and subsurface evolution of single-crystal yttrium aluminum garnet during polishing. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 608: 155219.
9. W.F. Shen#, Y. Yu#, G.T. Ma, Y.F. Huang, G.T. Ma, C.Y. Yao, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Origins and cavity-based regulation of optical anisotropy of α-MoO3 crystal. 2D Materials, 2023, 10(1): 015024.
10. 吴岳松,王子政,孙新磊,武飞宇,霍树春,胡春光*. 高深宽比微结构深度测量技术的研究进展. 计测技术, 2023, 43(1): 3-17.(封面文章)
1. Y. Yu, W.F. Shen*, G.T. Ma, Q.Q. Luo, Y.F. Huang, H.Q. Lu, H.L. Wang, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Anomalous narrow-band optical anisotropy of MoO2 crystal in the visible regime. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121(26): 251901.
2. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Soy D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, C.G. Hu*, L.D. Sun. Synthesis and ellipsometric characterizations of large-scale MoS2 sub-monolayer. Thin Solid Films, 2022, 762: 139562.
3. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, M.D. Guo, T. Guo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Addressing the imaging limitations of microsphere-assisted nanoscope. Optics Express, 2022, 30(22): 39417-39430.
4. X.Q. Gao, C. Zhai, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Simulation and Experiment of the Trapping Trajectory for Janus Particles in Linearly Polarized Optical Traps. Micromachines, 2022, 13(4): 608.
5. S. Li, H.Q. Liu*, C.G. Hu*, C.Z. He*, H.Z. Hu. Mechanical response of polyprotein revealed by single-molecule optical tweezers. Applied Physics Express, 2022, 15(7): 075002. (Spotlights 2022)
6. Y.C. Yuan, C.Y. Yao*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. A polarization measurement method based on liquid crystal variable retarder (LCVR) for atomic thin film thickness. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2022, 159-166.
7. W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*. Directly Evaluating Optical Anisotropy of Few-layered Black Phosphorus during Ambient Oxidization. Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 10(6): 2102018.
8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Optical properties of large-size and damage-free polished Lu2O3 single crystal covering the ultraviolet-visible-and near-infrared (UV-VIS-NIR) spectral region. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 897: 162726.
9. 胡春光,李恩赐,翟聪,高晓晴*,陈雨露,郭梦迪. 大视场微球透镜超分辨显微成像技术的研究进展. 红外与激光工程, 2022, 51(6): 20210438.
1. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Surface and subsurface quality assessment of polished Lu2O3 single crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9: 795639.
2. C.Y. Yao, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Assessing the quality of polished brittle optical crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Precision Engineering, 2021, 72: 184-191.
3. Z.Z. Lin, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, C.G. Hu*. Learning-based Event Locating for Single-molecule Force Spectroscopy. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2021, 556: 59-64.
4. S.C. Huo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Measuring the Multilayer Silicon based Microstructure Using Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics Express, 2021, 29(3): 3114-3122.
5. C. Zhai, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, Y.H. Ma, Y.J. Zhang, T. Guo, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. The formation principle of micro-droplets induced by optical tweezers. Nanoscale Advances, 2021, 3: 279-286.
1. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Wang, X.H. He, M.J. Xu,J.T. Zhu, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*, C.G. Hu*. Angular Trapping of Spherical Janus Particles. Small Methods, 2020, 4(12): 2000565.(封面文章)
2. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, Y.T. Shen, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Imaging layer thickness of large-area graphene using reference-aided optical differential reflection technique. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(15): 4136-4139.
3. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Axial displacement calibration and tracking of optically trapped beads. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 134: 106285.
4. W.F. Shen, Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, C. B. Lopez-Posadas, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Substrate Induced Optical Anisotropy in Monolayer MoS2. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124(28): 15468-15473.(封面文章)
5. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, K.H. Yu, L.T. Sun, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Initial Stage of MBE Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 315710.
6. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Growth Oscillation of MoSe2 Monolayers Observed by Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2020, 32: 155001.
7. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, Y.H. Ma, X.D. Hu. Polyprotein: a new standard sample to home-built optical tweezers. Proc. of SPIE (2019 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Modern Optoelectronic Instruments, Beijing, China), 2020, 11434: 1143402.
8. 胡春光*,孙兆阳,方子璇,刘军,张昊,房丰洲. 基于准布儒斯特角法研究抛光过程中光学材料的表面质量. 光学精密工程, 2020, 28(2): 315-323.
1. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Simultaneous, hybrid single-molecule method by optical tweezers and fluorescence. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2019, 2(4): 145-157.
2. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, G.T. Ma, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Optical tweezers assisted controllable formation and precise manipulation of microdroplet. Appl. Phys. Express, 2019, 12(11): 117001.
3. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, S.C. Huo*,W.F. Shen, X.T. Hu. Rapid reflectance difference microscopy based on liquid crystal variable retarder. JVST B, 2019, 37(5): 050604.
4. C.Z. He, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, A. Xiao, C.G. Hu*, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*. Direct Observation of the Fast and Robust Folding of a Slipknotted Protein by Optical Tweezers. Nanoscale, 2019,11(9): 3945-3951.
5. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y.Sun, G.F. Fan, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Black Phosphorus Nano-Polarizer with High Extinction Ratio in Visible and Near-infrared Regime. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(2): 168.
6. S.X. Yang*#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, L. Huang, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.C. Wang, C.B. Jiang,C.G. Hu*. Highly Sensitive Polarization Photodetection Using Pseudo-one-dimensional Nb(1-x)TixS3Alloy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(3): 3342-3350.
7. J.Y. Qu#, B.W. Li*, Y.T. Shen*, S.C. Huo, Y. Xu, S.Y. Liu, B.K. Song, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, W. Feng*. Evaporable Glass-State Molecule-Assisted Transfer of Clean and Intact Graphene onto Arbitrary Substrates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(18): 16272-16279.
8. 曲正,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 无衍射二维光学晶格仿真方法研究. 光学学报, 2019, 39(5): 0503001.
9. 胡小唐,李帅,胡春光*,何程智,高晓晴,韩梦柯,马国腾,李宏斌,胡晓东. 蛋白质力谱测试中生物分子链耦联技术. 天津大学学报, 2019, 52(2): 113-121.
1. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, J. Tao, J. Liu, S.Q. Fan, Y.X. Wei, C.H. An, J.C. Chen, S. Wu, Y.N. Li, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Resolving the optical anisotropy of low-symmetry 2D materials. Nanoscale, 2018, 10(17), 8329-8337. (Editor's Choice: Optical Spectroscopy of 2D materials)
2. S.X. Yang#, C.G. Hu#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.Y. Sun, C.B. Jiang*, L. Huang*, Z.C. Wang*. In-Plane Optical Anisotropy and Linear Dichroism in Low-Symmetry Layered TlSe. ACS Nano, 2018, 12(8): 8798-8807.
3. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y. Sun, S.Q. Fan, J. Liu, X.T. Hu. Wavelength tunable polarizer based on layered black phosphorus on Si/SiO2 substrate. Optics Letters, 2018, 43(6): 1255-1258.
4. S.X. Yang#, Y.H. Yang, M.H. Wu#,C.G. Hu#, W.F. Shen, Y.J. Gong, L. Huang, C.B. Jiang*, Y.Z. Zhang*, P.M. Ajayan*. Highly In-plane Optical and Electrical Anisotropy of 2D Germanium Arsenide. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28(16): 1707379.
5. C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Reflectance difference microscopy for nanometre thickness microstructure measurements. Journal of Microscopy, 2018, 270(3): 318-325.
6. C.G. Hu*, C.G. Su, Z.L. Yun, S.R. Wang, C.Z. He, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Real-time identification of the singleness of a trapped bead in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(5): 1241-1246.
7. 凌秋雨,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 基于二维光学点阵形变的面形测量方法. 光学学报, 2018, 38(1): 0112003.
1. L. Zhang, C.G. Hu*, X. Fu, M.S. Jiang, Q. M. Sui, L. Jia. Pentacene crystal transition during the growth on SiO2 studied by in situ optical spectroscopy. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 231: 65-69.
2. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Using high numerical aperture objective lens in micro-reflectance difference spectrometer. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 421: 535-541.
3. Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, D. Roth, S. Wu, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Bauer, L.D. Sun*. Real-time monitoring of 2D semiconductor film growth with optical spectroscopy. Nanotechnology, 2017, 28: 465601.
4. Y.X. Li, Y.N. Li*, Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, S. Wu,C.G. Hu, X.T. Hu, R. Zimmerleiter, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of ultrathin PTCDI-C5films on muscovite mica. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 228: 105-110.
5. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于反射差分显微术的有机薄膜空间均一性研究. 红外与毫米波学报, 2017, 36(6): 756-760.
6. 胡春光,查日东,凌秋雨,何程智*,李奇峰,胡晓东,胡小唐. 超分辨显微技术在活细胞中的应用与发展. 红外与激光工程, 2017, 6(11): 1103002.
7. 胡春光*,王思蓉,高晓晴,苏晨光,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 液体环境对光镊稳定捕获的影响. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(6): 431-437.
8. 胡春光*,王国庆,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统双光束串扰因素研究. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(3): 168-174.
1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Normal-incidence reflectance difference spectroscopy based on a liquid crystal variable retarder. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(33): 9334-9340.
2. L. Zhang, X. Fu, C.G. Hu*, Y. Yao, Z.Y. Xu, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Zeppenfeld, L.D. Sun*. Optical and structural properties of the pentacene/quartz (0001) interface. Phys. Rev. B, 2016, 93: 075443.
3. 侯艳洁,胡春光*,张雷,陈雪娇,傅星,胡小唐. 纳米有机薄膜有效导电层的反射光谱法研究. 物理学报, 2016, 65(20):200201.
4. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于单偏振器的液晶相位延迟器光电特性研究. 红外与毫米波学报,2016, 35(1): 68-71+77.
1. C.G. Hu*, R. An, C.W. Zhang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Design of a high quality optical conjugate structure in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2015, 54(6): 1410-1413.
2. G.Q. Wang, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, C.G. Su, S.R. Wang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Calibration of a dual-trap optical tweezers for single molecule force spectroscopy study. Proc. of SPIE. (AOPC 2015: Advanced Display Technology; and Micro/Nano Optical Imaging Technologies and Applications, Beijing, China), 2015, 9672: 96720P.
3. 徐佳佳,胡春光*,陈雪娇,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 有机半导体薄膜生长原位实时测量方法的研究. 物理学报, 2015, 64(23): 230701.
4. 胡春光*,章承伟,安然,雷海,胡晓东,李宏斌,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统微球位移的纳米精度测量. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2015, 13(6): 448-453.
5. 姚姚,胡春光*,徐臻圆,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 基于差分反射光谱的真空环境有机薄膜生长在线监测方法. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2015, 35(5): 1320-1324.
1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Optimization for liquid crystal variable retarder-based spectroscopic polarization measurements. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(30): 7801-7806.
2. C.G. Hu*, P.F. Xie, S.C. Huo,Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. A liquid crystal variable retarder based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast, high precision spectroscopic measurements. Thin Solid Films, 2014, 571: 543-547.
3. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, J. M. Flores-Camacho, M. Hohage, C.Y. Liu, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld*. A rotating-compensator based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast spectroscopic measurements. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2010, 81(4): 043108.
4. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, P. Zeppenfeld, X.T. Hu. Impact of lamp instability on rotating compensator based ellipsometry. Proc. of SPIE, 2009, 7506: 750617(1-10).
5. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, Y.N. Li, M. Hohage, J. M. Flores-Camacho, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld. Retardation correction for photoelastic modulator-based multichannel reflectance difference spectroscopy. J. Opt. Soc. Am A., 2008, 25(6): 1240-1245.
6. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 栗大超,郭彤,胡小唐. 三维相位展开算法在精密运动测试中的应用. 光学学报, 2007, 27(1): 68-72.
7. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 徐临燕,郭彤,胡小唐. 复杂微结构三维形貌测量方法的研究. 光电子.激光, 2006, 17(1): 98-101.
8. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 金翠云,栗大超,郭彤,傅星,胡小唐. MEMS动态测试中频闪同步控制系统. 天津大学学报, 2005, 38(1): 47-51.
1. Low-power consumption anisotropic CMOS inverters based on n-ReS2 and p-WSe2, Nano Research, 2025.
2. Intrinsically anisotropic 1D NbTe4 for self-powered polarization-sensitive photodetection, NPG Asia Materials, 2024, 16(1): 61.
3. Sensitivity Improvements for Picosecond Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements in Gold and Tungsten Nanoscale Films, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2024, 7: 7.
4. 制造发展的三个范式:制造发展规律的研究, 中国科学基金, 2024, 38(1): 159-171.
5. Strong In-Plane Optoelectronic Anisotropy and Polarization Sensitivity in Low-Symmetry 2D Violet Phosphorus. Nano Letters, 2023, 23(23): 10821-10821.
6. Visible to mid-infrared giant in-plane optical anisotropy in ternary van der Waals crystals. Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 6739.
7. Strong in-plane optical anisotropy in 2D van der Waals antiferromagnet VOCl. Nano Research, 2023, 16: 7481-7488.
8. “原子及近原子尺度制造”的思考与探讨, 天津大学学报, 2023, 56(10): 1000-1002.
9. Strain and Interference Synergistically Modulated Optical and Electrical Properties in ReS2/Graphene Heterojunction Bubbles. ACS Nano, 2022, 16(10): 16271-16280.
10. Colossal Room‐Temperature Terahertz Topological Response in Type‐II Weyl Semimetal NbIrTe4. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(42): 2204621.
11. Intrinsic Linear Dichroism of Organic Single Crystals toward High-Performance Polarization-Sensitive Photodetectors. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34(42): 2270165.
12. Polarization-sensitive and wide-spectrum photovoltaic detector based on quasi-1D ZrGeTe4 nanoribbon. InfoMat, 2022, 4(3): e12258.
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论 文
1. C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, Z.R. Liu, B.X. Liu, Z.Z. Wang, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*. Decoupled Measurement of Silicon-based Film and Substrate Thickness by Hybrid Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics and Laser Technology, 2025, 182: 112143.
1. Y.F. Huang, M.J. Li, Z.X. Hu, C.G. Hu, W.F. Shen*, Y.N. Li*, and L.D. Sun*. In Situ Studies on the Influence of Surface Symmetry on the Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer on Sapphire Using Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy and Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Nanomaterials, 2024, 14(17): 1457-1467.
2. Q.Q. Luo, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, J.W. Song, Y.N. Li, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen*. Sapphire substrate enabled ultraflat gold tape for reliable mechanical exfoliation of monolayer MoS2. Optical Materials, 2024, 157: 116341.
3. X.Q. Shui, Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, C.G. Hu*. Design of High-Speed Data Acquisition System for Fast Line-scan Spectrometry. IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 2024, 27(8): 16-22.
4. Z.Z. Wang, S.C. Huo*, F.Y. Wu, Y. Qu, X.M. Chen, F. Yang, C.G. Hu*. Adjustable low NA quasi-confocal reflectometry for ultra-high-aspect-ratio micro-structures. Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 176: 110980.
5. Y.L. Chen, C. Zhai, X.Q. Gao, H. Wang, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, C.G. Hu*. Optical manipulation of ratio-designable Janus microspheres. Photonics Research, 2024, 12(6): 1239-1249.
6. X.W. Zhou, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, Z.Y. Su, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Non-Spherical Janus Microparticles Localization Using Equivalent Geometric Center and Image Processing. Optics Communications, 2024, 560: 130494.
7. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Measurement of rotated Janus particle's position and orientation in the optical trap. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2024, 7: 043001.
8. J.C. Tang, S.H. Zhang, C.G. Hu*. 基于超表面和计算重建的新型光谱技术研究进展. 计测技术, 2024, 44(4): 47-70.(封面推荐特邀文章)
1. Z.Z. Wang, C.P. Bai, X.L. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Optical method for depth measurement of high aspect ratio 3D microstructure. Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications X, 2023, Vol. 12769: 1276909.
2. H. Wang, X.P. Miao, C. Zhai, Y.L. Chen, Z.Z. Lin, X.W. Zhou, M.D. Guo, Z.Y. Chai, R.F. Wang, W.F. Shen, H.B, Li*, C.G. Hu*. Mechanistic Insights into the Folding Mechanism of Region V in Ice-Binding Protein Secreted by Marinomonas primoryensis Revealed by Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy. Langmuir, 2023, 39(45): 16128-16137.
3. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Daniel S. Sanchez, Y. Yu, H. Wang, L.D. Sun, X.R. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Excitons Enabled Topological Phase Singularity in a Single Atomic Layer. ACS Nano, 2023, 17(18): 17751-17760.
4. H.Q. Lu, W.F. Shen*, H.L. Wang, J.B. Liu, Y. Yu, G. T. Ma, H.G. Liu, S. Wu, C.G. Hu*. Direct Observation of Crystalline Distortions in Mechanically Exfoliated Low-symmetric 2D Materials. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2023, 39(4): 666-672.
5. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H. Wang, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. An optical tweezer-based microdroplet imaging technology. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2023, 6(3): 033004. (入选AIP Scilight)
6. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, S. D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Ultrasensitive in-plane excitons-dominated pseudo-Brewster angle of transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 630: 157493.
7. M.D. Guo#, Z.Z. Lin#, C. Zhai*, Y.L. Chen, X.W. Zhou, Z.Y. Chai, T. Guo, C.G. Hu*. Deep learning for precise axial localization of trapped microspheres in reflective optical systems. Optics Express, 2023, 31(8): 12397-12409.(Editor's Pick)
8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Evaluation of the surface and subsurface evolution of single-crystal yttrium aluminum garnet during polishing. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 608: 155219.
9. W.F. Shen#, Y. Yu#, G.T. Ma, Y.F. Huang, G.T. Ma, C.Y. Yao, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Origins and cavity-based regulation of optical anisotropy of α-MoO3 crystal. 2D Materials, 2023, 10(1): 015024.
10. 吴岳松,王子政,孙新磊,武飞宇,霍树春,胡春光*. 高深宽比微结构深度测量技术的研究进展. 计测技术, 2023, 43(1): 3-17.(封面文章)
1. Y. Yu, W.F. Shen*, G.T. Ma, Q.Q. Luo, Y.F. Huang, H.Q. Lu, H.L. Wang, L.D. Sun, C.G. Hu*. Anomalous narrow-band optical anisotropy of MoO2 crystal in the visible regime. Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121(26): 251901.
2. G.T. Ma, W.F. Shen*, Soy D. Sanchez, Y. Yu, C.G. Hu*, L.D. Sun. Synthesis and ellipsometric characterizations of large-scale MoS2 sub-monolayer. Thin Solid Films, 2022, 762: 139562.
3. C. Zhai, Y.J. Hong, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, M.D. Guo, T. Guo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*. Addressing the imaging limitations of microsphere-assisted nanoscope. Optics Express, 2022, 30(22): 39417-39430.
4. X.Q. Gao, C. Zhai, Z.Z. Lin, Y.L. Chen, H.B. Li, C.G. Hu*. Simulation and Experiment of the Trapping Trajectory for Janus Particles in Linearly Polarized Optical Traps. Micromachines, 2022, 13(4): 608.
5. S. Li, H.Q. Liu*, C.G. Hu*, C.Z. He*, H.Z. Hu. Mechanical response of polyprotein revealed by single-molecule optical tweezers. Applied Physics Express, 2022, 15(7): 075002. (Spotlights 2022)
6. Y.C. Yuan, C.Y. Yao*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. A polarization measurement method based on liquid crystal variable retarder (LCVR) for atomic thin film thickness. Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2022, 159-166.
7. W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*. Directly Evaluating Optical Anisotropy of Few-layered Black Phosphorus during Ambient Oxidization. Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 10(6): 2102018.
8. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Optical properties of large-size and damage-free polished Lu2O3 single crystal covering the ultraviolet-visible-and near-infrared (UV-VIS-NIR) spectral region. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 897: 162726.
9. 胡春光,李恩赐,翟聪,高晓晴*,陈雨露,郭梦迪. 大视场微球透镜超分辨显微成像技术的研究进展. 红外与激光工程, 2022, 51(6): 20210438.
1. C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Surface and subsurface quality assessment of polished Lu2O3 single crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9: 795639.
2. C.Y. Yao, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, Z.Y. Sun, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, C.G. Hu*. Assessing the quality of polished brittle optical crystal using quasi-Brewster angle technique. Precision Engineering, 2021, 72: 184-191.
3. Z.Z. Lin, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, C.G. Hu*. Learning-based Event Locating for Single-molecule Force Spectroscopy. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2021, 556: 59-64.
4. S.C. Huo, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, C.Y. Yao, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Measuring the Multilayer Silicon based Microstructure Using Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Optics Express, 2021, 29(3): 3114-3122.
5. C. Zhai, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, Y.H. Ma, Y.J. Zhang, T. Guo, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. The formation principle of micro-droplets induced by optical tweezers. Nanoscale Advances, 2021, 3: 279-286.
1. X.Q. Gao, Y.L. Wang, X.H. He, M.J. Xu,J.T. Zhu, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*, C.G. Hu*. Angular Trapping of Spherical Janus Particles. Small Methods, 2020, 4(12): 2000565.(封面文章)
2. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, Y.T. Shen, S.C. Huo*, W.F. Shen, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Imaging layer thickness of large-area graphene using reference-aided optical differential reflection technique. Optics Letters, 2020, 45(15): 4136-4139.
3. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Axial displacement calibration and tracking of optically trapped beads. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020, 134: 106285.
4. W.F. Shen, Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, C. B. Lopez-Posadas, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Substrate Induced Optical Anisotropy in Monolayer MoS2. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124(28): 15468-15473.(封面文章)
5. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, K.H. Yu, L.T. Sun, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Initial Stage of MBE Growth of MoSe2 Monolayer. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 315710.
6. Y.X. Wei, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Growth Oscillation of MoSe2 Monolayers Observed by Differential Reflectance Spectroscopy. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2020, 32: 155001.
7. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, Y.H. Ma, X.D. Hu. Polyprotein: a new standard sample to home-built optical tweezers. Proc. of SPIE (2019 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Systems and Modern Optoelectronic Instruments, Beijing, China), 2020, 11434: 1143402.
8. 胡春光*,孙兆阳,方子璇,刘军,张昊,房丰洲. 基于准布儒斯特角法研究抛光过程中光学材料的表面质量. 光学精密工程, 2020, 28(2): 315-323.
1. G.T. Ma, C.G. Hu*, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Simultaneous, hybrid single-molecule method by optical tweezers and fluorescence. Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, 2019, 2(4): 145-157.
2. S. Li, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, G.T. Ma, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Optical tweezers assisted controllable formation and precise manipulation of microdroplet. Appl. Phys. Express, 2019, 12(11): 117001.
3. C.G. Hu, H. Wang, S.C. Huo*,W.F. Shen, X.T. Hu. Rapid reflectance difference microscopy based on liquid crystal variable retarder. JVST B, 2019, 37(5): 050604.
4. C.Z. He, S. Li, X.Q. Gao, A. Xiao, C.G. Hu*, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu, H.B. Li*. Direct Observation of the Fast and Robust Folding of a Slipknotted Protein by Optical Tweezers. Nanoscale, 2019,11(9): 3945-3951.
5. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y.Sun, G.F. Fan, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Black Phosphorus Nano-Polarizer with High Extinction Ratio in Visible and Near-infrared Regime. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(2): 168.
6. S.X. Yang*#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, L. Huang, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.C. Wang, C.B. Jiang,C.G. Hu*. Highly Sensitive Polarization Photodetection Using Pseudo-one-dimensional Nb(1-x)TixS3Alloy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(3): 3342-3350.
7. J.Y. Qu#, B.W. Li*, Y.T. Shen*, S.C. Huo, Y. Xu, S.Y. Liu, B.K. Song, H. Wang, C.G. Hu*, W. Feng*. Evaporable Glass-State Molecule-Assisted Transfer of Clean and Intact Graphene onto Arbitrary Substrates. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(18): 16272-16279.
8. 曲正,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 无衍射二维光学晶格仿真方法研究. 光学学报, 2019, 39(5): 0503001.
9. 胡小唐,李帅,胡春光*,何程智,高晓晴,韩梦柯,马国腾,李宏斌,胡晓东. 蛋白质力谱测试中生物分子链耦联技术. 天津大学学报, 2019, 52(2): 113-121.
1. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, J. Tao, J. Liu, S.Q. Fan, Y.X. Wei, C.H. An, J.C. Chen, S. Wu, Y.N. Li, J. Liu, D.H. Zhang, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Resolving the optical anisotropy of low-symmetry 2D materials. Nanoscale, 2018, 10(17), 8329-8337. (Editor's Choice: Optical Spectroscopy of 2D materials)
2. S.X. Yang#, C.G. Hu#, M.H. Wu#, W.F. Shen#, S. Tongay, K.D. Wu, B. Wei, Z.Y. Sun, C.B. Jiang*, L. Huang*, Z.C. Wang*. In-Plane Optical Anisotropy and Linear Dichroism in Low-Symmetry Layered TlSe. ACS Nano, 2018, 12(8): 8798-8807.
3. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Z.Y. Sun, S.Q. Fan, J. Liu, X.T. Hu. Wavelength tunable polarizer based on layered black phosphorus on Si/SiO2 substrate. Optics Letters, 2018, 43(6): 1255-1258.
4. S.X. Yang#, Y.H. Yang, M.H. Wu#,C.G. Hu#, W.F. Shen, Y.J. Gong, L. Huang, C.B. Jiang*, Y.Z. Zhang*, P.M. Ajayan*. Highly In-plane Optical and Electrical Anisotropy of 2D Germanium Arsenide. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 28(16): 1707379.
5. C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Reflectance difference microscopy for nanometre thickness microstructure measurements. Journal of Microscopy, 2018, 270(3): 318-325.
6. C.G. Hu*, C.G. Su, Z.L. Yun, S.R. Wang, C.Z. He, X.Q. Gao, S. Li, H.B. Li, X.D. Hu, X.T. Hu. Real-time identification of the singleness of a trapped bead in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2018, 57(5): 1241-1246.
7. 凌秋雨,胡春光*,查日东,胡晓东,胡小唐. 基于二维光学点阵形变的面形测量方法. 光学学报, 2018, 38(1): 0112003.
1. L. Zhang, C.G. Hu*, X. Fu, M.S. Jiang, Q. M. Sui, L. Jia. Pentacene crystal transition during the growth on SiO2 studied by in situ optical spectroscopy. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 231: 65-69.
2. W.F. Shen, C.G. Hu*, S.C. Huo, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Using high numerical aperture objective lens in micro-reflectance difference spectrometer. Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 421: 535-541.
3. Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, D. Roth, S. Wu, C.G. Hu, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Bauer, L.D. Sun*. Real-time monitoring of 2D semiconductor film growth with optical spectroscopy. Nanotechnology, 2017, 28: 465601.
4. Y.X. Li, Y.N. Li*, Y.X. Wei, W.F. Shen, S. Wu,C.G. Hu, X.T. Hu, R. Zimmerleiter, M. Hohage, L.D. Sun*. Reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy of ultrathin PTCDI-C5films on muscovite mica. Synthetic Metals, 2017, 228: 105-110.
5. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于反射差分显微术的有机薄膜空间均一性研究. 红外与毫米波学报, 2017, 36(6): 756-760.
6. 胡春光,查日东,凌秋雨,何程智*,李奇峰,胡晓东,胡小唐. 超分辨显微技术在活细胞中的应用与发展. 红外与激光工程, 2017, 6(11): 1103002.
7. 胡春光*,王思蓉,高晓晴,苏晨光,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 液体环境对光镊稳定捕获的影响. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(6): 431-437.
8. 胡春光*,王国庆,李宏斌,胡晓东,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统双光束串扰因素研究. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2017, 15(3): 168-174.
1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, W.F. Shen, Y.N. Li, L.D. Sun, X.T. Hu. Normal-incidence reflectance difference spectroscopy based on a liquid crystal variable retarder. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(33): 9334-9340.
2. L. Zhang, X. Fu, C.G. Hu*, Y. Yao, Z.Y. Xu, X.T. Hu, M. Hohage, P. Zeppenfeld, L.D. Sun*. Optical and structural properties of the pentacene/quartz (0001) interface. Phys. Rev. B, 2016, 93: 075443.
3. 侯艳洁,胡春光*,张雷,陈雪娇,傅星,胡小唐. 纳米有机薄膜有效导电层的反射光谱法研究. 物理学报, 2016, 65(20):200201.
4. 霍树春,胡春光*,沈万福,李艳宁,胡小唐. 基于单偏振器的液晶相位延迟器光电特性研究. 红外与毫米波学报,2016, 35(1): 68-71+77.
1. C.G. Hu*, R. An, C.W. Zhang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Design of a high quality optical conjugate structure in optical tweezers. Applied Optics, 2015, 54(6): 1410-1413.
2. G.Q. Wang, C.G. Hu*, X.Q. Gao, C.G. Su, S.R. Wang, H. Lei, X.D. Hu, H.B. Li, X.T. Hu. Calibration of a dual-trap optical tweezers for single molecule force spectroscopy study. Proc. of SPIE. (AOPC 2015: Advanced Display Technology; and Micro/Nano Optical Imaging Technologies and Applications, Beijing, China), 2015, 9672: 96720P.
3. 徐佳佳,胡春光*,陈雪娇,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 有机半导体薄膜生长原位实时测量方法的研究. 物理学报, 2015, 64(23): 230701.
4. 胡春光*,章承伟,安然,雷海,胡晓东,李宏斌,胡小唐. 光镊力谱系统微球位移的纳米精度测量. 纳米技术与精密工程, 2015, 13(6): 448-453.
5. 姚姚,胡春光*,徐臻圆,张雷,傅星,胡小唐. 基于差分反射光谱的真空环境有机薄膜生长在线监测方法. 光谱学与光谱分析, 2015, 35(5): 1320-1324.
1. S.C. Huo, C.G. Hu*, Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. Optimization for liquid crystal variable retarder-based spectroscopic polarization measurements. Applied Optics, 2014, 53(30): 7801-7806.
2. C.G. Hu*, P.F. Xie, S.C. Huo,Y.N. Li, X.T. Hu. A liquid crystal variable retarder based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast, high precision spectroscopic measurements. Thin Solid Films, 2014, 571: 543-547.
3. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, J. M. Flores-Camacho, M. Hohage, C.Y. Liu, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld*. A rotating-compensator based reflectance difference spectrometer for fast spectroscopic measurements. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2010, 81(4): 043108.
4. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, P. Zeppenfeld, X.T. Hu. Impact of lamp instability on rotating compensator based ellipsometry. Proc. of SPIE, 2009, 7506: 750617(1-10).
5. C.G. Hu, L.D. Sun, Y.N. Li, M. Hohage, J. M. Flores-Camacho, X.T. Hu, P. Zeppenfeld. Retardation correction for photoelastic modulator-based multichannel reflectance difference spectroscopy. J. Opt. Soc. Am A., 2008, 25(6): 1240-1245.
6. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 栗大超,郭彤,胡小唐. 三维相位展开算法在精密运动测试中的应用. 光学学报, 2007, 27(1): 68-72.
7. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 徐临燕,郭彤,胡小唐. 复杂微结构三维形貌测量方法的研究. 光电子.激光, 2006, 17(1): 98-101.
8. 胡春光, 胡晓东, 金翠云,栗大超,郭彤,傅星,胡小唐. MEMS动态测试中频闪同步控制系统. 天津大学学报, 2005, 38(1): 47-51.
1. Low-power consumption anisotropic CMOS inverters based on n-ReS2 and p-WSe2, Nano Research, 2025.
2. Intrinsically anisotropic 1D NbTe4 for self-powered polarization-sensitive photodetection, NPG Asia Materials, 2024, 16(1): 61.
3. Sensitivity Improvements for Picosecond Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements in Gold and Tungsten Nanoscale Films, Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 2024, 7: 7.
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